Chapter Ten: The Met Gala

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"Taron?" You gasp. You of course knew he was going to be here, but seeing him here in front of you after just witnessing this overwhelmingly grandiose display has you finding the need to catch your breath.

"My God", he rasps, as his eyes sweep up and down your body. "You look absolutely gorgeous." You can't help the small smile that stretches across your lips and the flush you feel creeping up your neck. "And that jewelry, it's perfect", he says eyeing it with a grin. You automatically place your fingers against the necklace at your collarbone and sigh in relief that it's still in place.

"Thank you", you say shyly. "Do you know where Richard is?" You ask, remembering that it's him you are supposed to be meeting.

"He got held up with an interview so he asked me to meet you here", he states and you look over his shoulder not quite believing him.

"Wait? What? He didn't tell me anything about it", you say, still thoroughly confused and slightly annoyed. Taron just shrugs his shoulders, and it's at this moment that you pry your mind away from your discomfort long enough to take in his appearance. He's wearing a black tuxedo jacket with hundreds of shiny silver and black tubular beads placed all over it. Underneath is a crisp white pleated shirt which is topped off with a black shoestring bowtie. It occurs to you that this is the first time you've ever seen him so dressed up and he is nothing short of stunning. You are also relieved that his ensemble is quite normal compared to everyone else you've seen so far, and it makes you feel slightly better about your own look. Realizing you are overtly staring, you take a moment to subtly control your breathing before you speak again. "So is he coming? Why didn't he call me?" You are trying to hide the desperation in your voice, but unfortunately you don't think you're very successful. You are already nervous enough as it is and walking into this madness with Taron will only add to it.

"I don't know love, I'm just following orders", he says as he offers his arm. "Shall we?" You swallow as you look from his pro-offered arm to the grand stairs ahead of you and then back to him. Turning, you see that George is gone, so seeing that it's too late to back out now and you don't want to go in by yourself, you sigh and succumb to your current situation. Taking his arm gently, you force a smile and let him lead you toward the massive building. As you get closer and the sounds become louder and the sights more formidable, you feel the familiar sensation of panic taking over.

"Taron?" You say apprehensively.

"Yes?" He responds, looking over at you as he continues to guide you forward.

"I don't think I can do this...", you say as the tightness begins to form in your chest. He stops just short of the bottom step and turns toward you. Taking both your hands in his, he looks intensely into your eyes.

"Yes you can. You are amazing. You can do anything you want." When he still sees the angst on your face he adds, "Do you trust me?" He gives your hands a little squeeze, and you know in that moment that you do.


"Then trust me when I tell you I know you, and I know you can do this." You look up into his mesmerizing eyes, and the way the late afternoon sun is hitting them almost gives them an other-worldly glow. He releases one of your hands to lift his to your face and presses his index finger to the tip of your nose. The personal intimate gesture, his eyes boring into yours and the warmth radiating from his hand finally cause the anxiety to melt away almost completely, and you smile at him as you feel a calmness wash over you. You take one last look at him, exhale the rest of the tension from your body and gaze up at the grand set of stairs just before taking his arm again. You gather up your skirt in preparation to ascend the stairs as he rests his hand over yours and beams at you. "That's my girl."

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