4. New Assistant

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"You want me to go and hang out with the idiot that is Yoongi?" Zoey nodded her head. "He's a really nice guy." You rolled your eyes thinking she was lying.

"All the other guys I've dated were jerks. And Yoongi...well he just looks like one." Zoey was getting annoyed by you and your comments about her new friend.

"I can't do this by myself." You furrow your eyebrows at her. "Why not?" She rolled her eyes "I don't want him to hear the things that are going on with me and Asher."

"So, you know that he likes you?"

"Yes. And that's why I'm trying to hook you two up." Your brows jump in shock. "You're trying to get me a boyfriend?"


He did it again. Heavy breathing. Zoey's angry. He's staring at the ceiling. "I'm sorry." Zoey turned to him and said something that shocked both of them.

"I think we should stop." Yoongi stopped staring at the ceiling. "Why? I just said her name a couple of times." Zoey giggled but this wasn't a happy one. "Yoongi, you have completely stopped saying my name."

He didn't even realize who's name he was screaming. "For the past week, since she was gone, you have been screaming her name." Yoongi rolled off the bed and started to get dressed.

"Even if it may seem that I don't care, I do." Yoongi put on his shirt and asked, "Do you really want to end this?" Zoey nodded.

He knew it was for the best but didn't want to come to terms with it. Yoongi stormed out of the house and went to the one person he knew he could talk to.


"I didn't know you were this good at decorating." You said after looking around the house. Asher nervously laughed. You knew this laugh, you did this anytime you had to tell someone bad news.

"What is it?" You asked scared for what to come. "Yoongi called me and said that he wanted to talk to me." You rolled your eyes. "I moved here to get away from him. Gosh, doesn't he have music to produce?"

Asher sighed, understanding how mad you were. "I don't want him here either, but he sounded weak." You sighed in defeat. The doorbell rang and you stopped admiring your house.

"I'll be in my room." You said jogging up the stairs, trying to get away from the person you despise the most. "If he asks I will tell him where you are," Asher yelled at you.

"Fine. Do whatever you want."


Yoongi rang the doorbell excited to see the new house. He heard yelling from the inside of the house. The door swung open and Yoongi was happy to see Asher. "I came here to talk with you."

Asher nodded and let the older come in. Yoongi planted himself on the white couch that Asher bought. "This house is so cool." He said looking around in awe.

"Yeah, I decorated and Y/n painted." Asher laughed at the great paint war that was started because he made you mad. Yoongi straightens up on the couch. "How is she doing? The last time I saw her she seemed happy to get away from me."

"She can't find a good job," Asher said, sad about the fact that he was the only one making money in the house. Yoongi became happy at that. "I can get her a job at my company." Yoongi was happy to see Asher smile.


Asher got tired of Yoongi's stalling. "What did you want to talk about?" Yoongi pursed his lips. He wasn't sure how to phrase it, so he put it as honestly as he could. "Zoey decided on ending the fling that we had."

Asher let out a sigh of relief. "Why?" Yoongi was surprised to hear that Asher was actually interested. "Since she moved away, I haven't been able to get her out of my mind."

The younger boy knew where Yoongi was going with this, he wanted to hear his ex-best friend say it. "Okay?" Yoongi's nose scrunched. "Well, I've once again been screaming the wrong name." Asher snorted trying to hold in his laugh.

"Do you still have feelings for her?" Asher asked genuinely curious. Yoongi shook his head. "I think it's because I never actually solved anything with her."

Asher shrugged. "We solved our problems years ago. I just don't really like you trying to get close to her." Yoongi smiled at the boy who hasn't changed in 7 years.

"Where is she?" Yoongi asked while rubbing the back of his neck. "She's in her room. The only door with a purple heart." The silver-haired boy ran upstairs to your room.

Maybe it was fate or maybe it was because Yoongi lived with 6 other boys but he forgot to knock. He barged in to see you wrapped a towel. Your hair was pushed out of your face and your body was still wet.

It took you a moment to realize who just walked in out of nowhere. Yoongi licked his bottom lip and smirked. "You know, it's been a while since I've seen you like this." You looked at him with guns blazing in your eyes. "Why the fuck didn't you knock?" You said through gritted teeth trying to be calm.

"Force of habit." He said shrugging. Right as you were about to throw a punch he said something that intrigued you. "I might be able to get you a job." You relaxed and thought for a second. "What's the catch?"

He smiled and tried not to let his gaze fall from your face. "You may have to see me every day and you might have to fly with us anywhere we go."

Before you could say no someone popped into your head. I can't let him be the only one paying the rent and the bills. With one of the biggest and most dramatic sighs, you said, "Fine." Yoongi finally let his gaze fall from your face.

Yoongi started rubbing his fingers over his chin and smirking.

"And that you are."


"What happened to Zoey noona," Jungkook asked confused over her disappearance. "She got fired, "Jin said calmly trying to not get Yoongi ambushed by the maknae line.

"Why?" Tae whined. Jin couldn't answer that honestly. What am I supposed to say? She got fired because she stopped sleeping with Yoongi?

"I'm not quite sure." Jin lied. "So are we going to get a new assistant?" Jimin asked. This was a question that Jin was happy to answer.

The door opened with a happy Yoongi. Everyone seemed confused except for Jin. He new why Yoongi was grinning so hard. "I just got us an assistant!"


"This hamburger tastes delicious," Asher said while taking another bite. "It's the least I could do for not being able to get a job." You said finally biting into yours. "About that...Yoongi said that he could get you a job." You sipped on your sprite.

"I know...and out of me not wanting you to be the only one paying for things...I took the job." He looked at you surprised.

"You have to be next to him for most of your day." You smiled at the boy you once hated, dated, and friend-zoned. "It's a small price to pay for how many times you helped me out."

Asher swallowed his last bite of the burger and gave you a hug. "Look at my little Y/n getting all sappy." You didn't push him off, but you did say something. "We're the same age, dumbass." He stopped hugging you and smiled.

"What is the job." He asked scared for you being on the bad side to them. "I'm their assistant."

"Wasn't that Zoey's job?"

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