7. Getting Over This

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"You look so beautiful," Yoongi said while looking you up and down in the oversized jersey and beanie. You blushed. "Thanks, Asher helped me pick it out."

Yoongi hated hearing that name. Asher was the one that stole the love of his life away from him. He took your hand and led you into the stadium. You couldn't help but notice that his mind was traveling somewhere else.

"Are you okay?" You asked. He nodded and smiled at you. Although he couldn't get Zoey out of his mind, Yoongi still couldn't believe how cute you looked in his basketball jersey.

You smiled back at him and thought of something. "Weren't you supposed to take me to someplace fancy?" He laughed. "Well, this is my type of fancy."

"I like it."


Two pairs of eyes were staring you down all day. They both have different reasons for doing so. The staff already started to say things about you.

You were walking through the halls when someone pulled you into a corner in the walls. "What the hell?!" You yelled at him. "Why aren't you speaking to any of us?"

"I've been speaking to everyone. Just not you." You snarkily say. "I understand being upset, but We need to get over this." You nodded and came up with another snarky reply.

"How about I only speak to you if it has something to do with my job?" You walked off with your hand crossed over your chest. Leaving Jin a very confused man.


"Y/n, please open the door." Asher hadn't seen you in days. Once again, Zoey had everyone wrapped around her finger. Asher was hanging out there every day and Yoongi was just in love with her.

You got off the bed and opened the door for him. "What do you want?" You said coldly. He gave you a sympathetic look. "I just want to see my roommate again." You rolled your eyes.

"Zoey's your roommate. You've been spending so much time over there it seems like you live there." He pursed his lips. "I know. And I'm sorry about that." He sighed out. "I'm tired of people apologizing and saying that we have to get over this."

Asher's brows furrowed as he listened to you ramble. "You guys keep saying that I have to get over it when you aren't doing anything to stop it from happening."

You let out a deep breath and grabbed a jacket from your closet. Asher looked at you with confusion written all over his face. "Where are you going?" You looked at him with determination in your eyes.

"To the place where this all started."


"Are you okay, Yoongi?" Zoey asked as she was leaned against his chest. "I haven't been able to talk to Y/n." Zoey rolled her eyes. "Why is she in your head?" Yoongi furrowed his brows and looked at her. "Why isn't she in your head?"

Zoey shrugged. "She chose to leave me. So why should I care about her?" Yoongi grew even more confused. "Because you are the reason she left." Zoey looked at Yoongi. "You never defended her before. You know Y/n just overreacted."

Yoongi got up from the couch and shook his head. "She has every right to leave you after the way that you treated her." Zoey was speechless. She knew her 'good girl' charms weren't working today.


She was always jealous of you. Your bubbly personality made everyone love you. So Zoey told everyone to stay away from you and even made up some rumors.

Zoey made you feel horrible about yourself and once you had a glow up, the only way she couldn't be jealous of you was to take everyone you had in your life. She took all your boyfriends. She even got your parents to compare you to her.

Soon Zoey concocted a plan after she met Yoongi.


You were sitting in the exact seat as you were in on that night. It was the first date you ever had with Yoongi. You chuckled remembering when his favorite team had won in the last 10 seconds of the game, and he had kissed you out of excitement.

This seat is what started it all. The start of when you saw Zoey's true colors. The start of when you actually had Yoongi in your life. You saw someone else coming over to sit in the seat at the left of you.

"What are you doing here?" He asked you. "I could ask you the same thing." You looked at Yoongi. "Zoey's being a bitch." Your eyes widened in shock. You never would have thought that Yoongi would say those things about his angel.

"I just really need to remember where it all went wrong." You said staring at the basketball court. "You didn't answer my question," Yoongi said as he directed his attention to where you were looking.

"I came here to see if I could 'get over this' as people keep telling me." Yoongi looked you up and down. "That's not true you came here for the same reason I'm here."

Yoongi could always see through you. "Today is the day where it first happened." You felt tears well in your eyes as he spoke. "Where you thought that you loved me."

You stood up from the seat and looked at him with your watery eyes. "I never loved you and never will love you." You lied to him. You knew he could see past it. Who you were lying to was yourself.

You stormed out of the empty stadium without letting a tear fall from your eyes. As you walked you tried to remember when your fun life turned horrid.

Yoongi was still sitting in the seat as he remembered his first date with you. It was the first time someone had finally managed to take his mind partially off of Zoey.

He couldn't believe that everyone you trusted had somehow hurt you.


Zoey had met Yoongi and she realized how he looked at her from the beginning. She wanted to take something else away from you.

Zoey set you up on a date with the guy that was smitten over her and planned to steal him away from you as well. Of course, things didn't go the way they were planned.

People's feelings were hurt, even hers. All because she was jealous of you and your personality. Somehow in this situation, she came out happy.

While you were broken on the inside.


Yoongi walked into his shared house and saw Jin sitting on the couch. Yoongi's black hat was covering his face. Jin looked at him with a smile. However, when Yoongi raised his head and Jin saw his face, that smile was gone.

"What happened?" He asked in a soft tone. "I talked to Y/n," Yoongi said in a weak tone. The words that came out of your mouth at the stadium really got to him.

The fact that you said that you would never love him made Yoongi lose all hope of ever getting over the situation. "What did she say?" Jin asked since he too hasn't spoken to you in quite some time.

"I think we really broke her this time."


It was time to face your fears. You rang the doorbell finally ready to call your ex-best friend on her bullshit.

When the door finally opened the person behind it wasn't who you thought was going to be there.

Your heart dropped at the fact of her getting to this girl as well. Zoey was going to rip you mentally apart.

"Z-Zara?" This is a woman you haven't seen in years. Zoey's sister. Someone who always put Zoey in her spot and made sure she didn't destroy you.

"Hey, Y/n!"

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