Part 2 - Grateful

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The next morning I woke up and my mom was on the phone with her friend who lived a few roads down from us. "Trish, I'm telling you, he won't let us keep the house. We have no choice" my mom explained. I felt so awful. It really sucks to watch my mom stress over something I could do nothing about. Ever since dad left last year, she has tried to keep her composure but with this added on, I guess she is finally falling apart. I was on my way down the stairs when I heard my mom say the last thing I expected: "Oh no we couldn't, we wouldn't want to be a burden" "Really?" "Well in that case we'd love to stay with you!Cheyenne will be thrilled! Thank you so much, Trish!". She was wrong. I would most definitely not be thrilled. Ms. Trish is a hoot-and-a-half to be around it's just she has a son named Ondreaz and he is very rude and stuck up. He thinks he is so much better than everyone else. I am not going to enjoy this stay, hopefully it won't be for too long. As long as we had a place to stay, I was grateful. I reached the end of the stairs and as mom delivered the news I wasn't listening to a word she said. She looked so happy, I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. Suddenly, I wasn't thinking about not wanting to live with Ondreaz. I was thinking about how happy my mom was. "Isn't that great news, honey?!" mom exclaimed. "It sure is, mom" I answered with the biggest smile on my face.

As we began packing, mom noticed all of the gifts my dad had given her before the divorce. I hugged her tight and put all of the gifts into one box, taped it shut, and set it aside so she didn't have to look at it. Trish came over after a while and helped us pack up all of our stuff. "Ondre is on his way to McDonald's anyone up for a burger or some nuggets?". I almost rejected the offer, but at that point, I was so hungry I could care less about who brought me food, I just wanted to eat. "Sure, I would love a hamburger" I replied. "Oh, of course, nuggets please?" mom said.

We packed for another 2 hours and Ondreaz still hasn't arrived with our food. My stomach was making loud noises and I was getting light-headed. As soon as I got up to find a snack to hold me over guess who walked in? "Hi, Ondre! It is to nice to see you again! I just want to say thank you for my nuggets, how much do I owe you?" mom asked. "Oh no, Ms. Bailey, don't you worry about paying me back" Ondreaz responded. "Ondre, honey, what took you so long?" Ms. Trish asked suspiciously. "I stopped by Ryan's house, he called me over, him and his girlfriend broke up and he needed a friend" Ondreaz responded. Ms. Trish replied, "Okay honey, come help us pack". I chomped on that burger as soon as I got my hands on it. I looked over and Ondreaz was staring at me, "Hungry at all?" he asked followed by a smirk. I rolled my eyes and kept eating. This was going to be a long journey.

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