Chapter.1 (last day on earth ..)

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(Okay so i decide to make this cuz why not and I couldn't find any Vox x reader except one and i love it so much! And i was sad bc i finish it in one day 😞so I wanted to make one :) and plz don't hate on me :/ . This story will have Charlie and alastor ship sorry if you don't ship them . and this story there's going to be blood and suicidal problems too and yea this is my first time and yeah enjoy!)

Hi my name is (Y/N) (L/N) . I live with my parents Allison and James , my older sister Ariana , my younger brother Alex and me the middle child .... I hate it...I always get in trouble . We lived in a two stories house . Ariana is 20 , I'm 18 , and Alex is 15 .

"Y/N get up!! It's time to go grocery shopping!!" My mother says knocking my door .

"Okay mom!" I yelled back .

I got up and changed into black and red striped emo shirt and some rip jeans . I looked at my myself on the mirror and then my cuts. I walk down stairs . Once I walked all the way down I looked at a photo that was hang up . It was a little boy he looked like he was five years old. He's hair was black like my father . He had my mother's brown eyes . He looked just like us . I always wonder who he was .

"Hey mother who that on the picture frame?" I asked

"Uhh...umm...well honey, that's a story for another day." My mother said shaking while holding her purse .

"Mom can i know now..?" I said being confused.

"Like I said, sorry for another day." She said trying to be all calm .

"Anyways come on everyone is waiting for us .." my mom said walking out the door .

' I wonder what's she hiding.. 'I said in my head.
I walked behind her all the way to the car I sat on the back sit with Alex . Ariana wasn't there because she was at college.Alex and Ariana were very close . Always helping each othering on stuff. When I was a child I never like getting help . But now I'm just lost . Everyone seem to be happy all the time. I looked at Alex and he looked back at me .

"Doing you know the boy on the photo ?" I said whispering.

"Uhhh...n-no.." he whispered back .

I gave him the look of 'are you fucking with me?' He just looked away . I feel like everyone knows except me. They know imma find out sooner or later .

Once we got there my mother got a cart while my younger brother and my father went to go get the fruits.

"Mom can you PLEASE PLEASE tell me who's the kid in the picture frame I won't tell anyone!! I promise!!" I said begging her .

"Y/N What did I told you early! I said I'll tell you another day!"

"Well what if you won't!"

"Excuse me?!? Be glad I'm not judging you right now! You have disgusting and horrible clothes! You dress like a guy ! Your a girl you shouldn't be wearing those clothes ! I wished your father and I didn't have you!"

"Whatever mom I could wear what ever I want it's my money ,my clothes and my body!!"I said with tears in my eyes.

My mother gave me a death stare and said"Y/N L/N we will discuss this later!"

I just went to my father and ask if I can get the car keys and he said yes . So I walked out of the store and went to the car and sat inside.

"Why must my mother be like this ! I wished I die God! Why did you gave me a mother that doesn't even love her second daughter! And why wouldn't she tell me who's that boy in the God damn photograph! I hope I don't go to heaven when I die!!! I better go to hell or just disappear!!" I said out loud . I was so loud that a lady came and knocked on the window.

"Um young lady are you ok-" the lady looked to her right and ran away and when I looked back I saw a car about to crash into me and then everything went black ..........

Damn 700 words I hope you guys like it 😶🥺 Anyways see ya in the next chapter! Love ya stay safe!

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