Chapter.2 (welcome to hell!~)

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Welcome back !!! I'm so excited for who this book is going to turn out! 😆 im always doing this while doing my school work so hacen fun reading! Anyways back to the story !

Blackness was I saw......I felt like I was falling..... 'what was happening?!?' 'did I died???' 'Where am I going?!?!' Thoughts kept going on my head. Until I felt the floor . I open my eyes and and I looked on my hand and saw that they were different. They were red . I got up and looked at the sky. The sky was red and I looked at a big sign that said 'welcome to hell' . Hmm I guess saying don't wanna to go to heaven gets you to hell. I started to walk to what looked like a city . Once I got there I found a window which I saw my reflection. I saw two horns on the top of my head, I had L/H F/C hair.and I had rip jeans and shirt that was F/C . 'Hmm I looked nice' I told myself. my eyes F/E/C.
I walk around until I saw a tv screen that showed which I maybe guess the princess of hell. I was very interested of going . Once I saw the princess punch the news reporter i was kinda shock but understood that this was hell. After the news I tired to find the hotel it took 15 minutes to find it . I knocked the door and waited. The door opened.

"Hello there welcome to the happy hotel ! Come in!" Said the one and only the princess of hell.

"Hi.." I felt nervous but confused why I was .

"My name is Charlotte but you can call me Charlie for short." She said sticking her hand out.

"Oh what a nice name you have Charlie . My name is Y/N L/N I just died I guess." I said looking at the floor. "But I was wondering if I can work here since I'm interested." I looked at her

"Well congrats your hired! We're trying to get so many people to work here so far it's been good!  Okay come with me to my office we will sign the papers." She said with a big smile while pulling my arm .

"Woah- okay." I said as we walked in her office.

"So Y/N what did you do to that made you go to hell?" Ask Charlie .

"Well I really don't know but I guess what made me go to the was saying that I wished i didn't  want to go to heaven when I die and then when I said that I died in my parents car."

"Oh well it happens a lot to people usually it's because of what they do and their families make fun of them and judge them." Charlie said writing down.

"Oh... well then you could say that happen to me."

"Okay so how old are you?" Ask Charlie looking up at me I'm 18 years old but I'm turning 19 in 5 months ."

"Oh well I hope you have a nice life here in hell." She said biting the stuff away.

"I'll make sure I will ."

Charlie and I walked out of her office and she showed me the whole place . She showed me my room. She said we can go clothes shopping in a bit . She wanted to introduced me to the other employers which I agree . 

"Hey guys say hello meet the new member Y/N L/N !!!" Said Charlie to the other employees.

"Hi Y/N" said all of them at the same time . I waved at them.

"Okay you guys introduce yourself guys!" Said Charlie .

"Hey I'm Vaggie." Vaggie had a bow around her hair . She had a big X on her right eye , her skin was grey and she had to white-ish grey-ish dress.

"Heyyy there toots the name is angel dust.~" Angel dust was very tall. He sharp teeth one is yellow . He has a white and pink tuxedo.

"Hello darling I'm Alastor the radio demon !~" Alastor was also tall like angel dust . He has a big smile with his yellow teeth on his face . He has red tuxedo . And a microphone .

———————time skip (cuz why not I'm too lazy to put all of the characters)———————

The others and you already went shopping. You cared your bags into your room and hang them or folded them . You layed on your bed thinking if you should go explored or wait until tomorrow when I have more time and let the others show around . I looked at the clock next my bed . 10:44 pm I read . Hmm i should wait until tomorrow. I change into my new pajamas and got into my bed . I was looking at the ceiling wonder what my family doing now since I'm dead. I slowly close my eyes and fell asleep..

———————————————————— wow 867 words sorry if too long but I hope you guys enjoy ! I'll try to post almost everyday ! But I have pets so it might take a while and since where I live is pace and quiet. But yeah see ya in the next chapter! Love ya!~♥️

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