Chapter.3 (exploring my new home) 

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Heyy ya it's Friday!! (Well for me) but that mean I might make two new chapters tomorrow since imma have all day ! Anyways enjoy this chapter !~

I woke up from my head being under my pillow. my hair all messy I got my head up and looked at my clock . 7:30 am . 'I should maybe get up just in case if anyone is awake . I change into   F/C and I brush my hair . I walked down stairs and walked around to see if anyone was awake . Once I walked into the bar I saw husk drinking a beer . I saw down next to him.

"So kid what did you came in here for?" Husk said before drinking a sip of his beer.

"Well...getting mad and saying that I didn't want to go o heaven." I said yawing. "What about you?"

"Gambling and other stuff like that kid." He said

"Oh." I said

"If you don't mind telling me why we're you were mad ? It's fine if you don't want to talk about it ." He said looking at me while a tired face .

"Well I was grocery shopping with my family and I asked my mother about a boy on a photograph in my old house . And she wouldn't tell me . I asked about my younger brother he seem to know but,he wouldn't tell me . Even my father. I had a older sister but she was at college.
My mom Thee got mad at me so I went in the car and kept on screaming like a total freak . And then another car crash into me inside my parents car. And that's how I end up here."

"Woah . I'm sorry about that." Husk said

"No it's fine if happened a lot of times. Anyways can one of you guys show me around hell?"

"Uhh sure kid ask angel to take you since he always get out of the hotel." Husk said taking a sip.

"Sure I'll ask him right now ." I said as I go up to go to angels room and knocked at his door.

"Whaaaaattt!!" Angel said sounding like if he just woke up .

"It's me Y/N . Can I come in?"

"Sure . You can open the door."

I opened the door and saw angel laying on his bed wearing a pink t-shirt and some shorts.

"Okay so what do you need toots?"

"I was wondering if you could show me around hell. If you don't mind." I said looking in his room . His room was full of pink stuff and his pet pig .

"Sure thing but First thing first but I need to get ready first so imma go change in my bathroom and you can stay here and look around but don't touch anything ."

"Got it."

I sat on his bed and look around he had amazing things. I liked his bed . It was so comfy I wanted to laying on it all day. I wait for five minutes to angel to come out . (Ahah get it . Okie I'll stop.)

"I see you like my bed ."

"Hell yeah I do ."

"Well Im already come on let's go ."

I was sad but I got up and I walked next to angel . We both got out of the hotel . He showed me everywhere in hell .

"Okay Y/N imma need to go in here and your coming with me inside and then we going back to the hotel . Got it?"

"Got it. " I said while looking at the big words saying 'porn studio.'

"Okay and don't run off okay?"

"Okay. But I'm not a baby. I'm not that stupid."

"Okay but still . Just wanting you safe ."

"Sure whatever."

We walked in and walked to the elevator. It was quiet. Once the elevator doors opened I saw him .... .

657words imma leave this hanging but remember imma be uploading two chapters tomorrow. Hope you guys enjoy it ! See ya in the next chapter!~

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