Chapter.10 (being official.)

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Heyy ! How u guys been! I really hoped you guys like the last chapter!

It's been a few months since I've been with living with Vox . The others never called me except for Charlie , Vaggie and Angel. They have been visiting me a lot. They have told me that Alastor feels sorry for getting mad and I do too and somehow I felt like I was in earth again feeling the old feeling. The feeling I felt cutting once again. And I had to cut I just couldn't get that off my mind. I have got my own job at the cafe where Ethan,Vox and I went.

I actually never asked Box if we were officially together. I always asked my myself if we were. We would make out (if it's possible to make out with a tv but let's dream that we could like any other couple would.) 

"Voxie Im back ! " I said coming back from work. I was hanging my bag when I heard footsteps coming behind me. I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist and swing me in around.

"How was work?" Vox said hugging me.

"It was fine like usually." I said . I think thought about asking Vox if we are official. "Hey Vox are we official?"

"Hmm I really don't know but do you want to?" He said pulling me down.

"Sure I would like to if you want to."

"Sure I would love to be with a woman like you!" He said kissing my cheek. I smile so big.

He walked into the kitchen. What you making Voxie?" I said following him

"Oh just making dinner for you ."

"What food are you making?" I said looking at the food.

"I'm just making meat . I hope you love it."

"Don't worry I will." I said hugging behind him.
While I was hugging him I burn my hand . I hissed . I took my hand and looked at it . I saw a big burned in my hand.

"Woah honey are you okay?!?" Said Vox pitting down the stove and holding my hand gently.

"Yeah Im fine babe. " I saw that the burn was close to my cuts. I turned the other way around and cover my Sleeve.

"Y/N you sure your okay?" Vox said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I just going to need to cover it." I said before going to the bathroom getting.

I garb something go warp around the burn. (I'm sorry I just don't know what's it's called.) I then looked at the cuts and cover them. I walked back where Vox was.

"Heres food Y/N" Vox said handing me a plate of meat.

"Thank you my love!"

"No problem."

I finished my food really fast of how good it was.

"Done already? Do you want more?"

"No I'm fine but it's really good! I love it!"

"Well your welcome."

I sat on the couch watching Tv until Vox Turn it off.

"Hey what gives?"

"Wanna go on a walk? I also want to spend time with you." Vox said next to me.

"Sure ." I said getting up and getting a different shirt and a sweater.

" you still wear the necklace I got you? " Vox saiid looking down at the necklace.

"Of course . It was the best give I ever got."

We both started to get out of the house and walked . Once we got to the city and walked around I remember I had to get something.

"Oh Vox I need to buy something from here."

"Okay sure."

We both walked in the store. We went to the idol where they had of what I needed. I felt Box hold on to me right around my waist.

"Vox you okay?" I said looking at him.

"Alastor is in here." He said looking mad.

I looked at what Vox was looking at . It was Alastor. Alastor looked at Vox than me. Looked at me with sad eyes.

"Y-Y/N..." alastor said walking towards Vox and I. He got really close to me and wanting a hug but then Vox pull me away.

"Hey stay away from her she's mine!" Vox said putting me behind him.

"I just wanted to say hi!" Alastor said.

"Vox it's okay I'll be fine." I walked around Vox . I took out my hand so Alastor could shake it.

"Hi Alastor how you been?" I said while Alastor shake my hand and Vox put his arm around me.

"I've been good darling."

"Don't called her that you piece of shit" Vox said yelling .

"Vox stop it."

"I could called her whatever I want." Said alastor.

"No you can't like I said she's mine . And she will forever be mine!"

"Who's says she's yours?"


"You guys calm down. You guys are so protected." I said wanting to walk away but Vox was holding me.

"I have to your the love of my life I care for you."

"Wait. Wait wait. You guys are dating Orr.." alastor said being all confused.

"Yes we are dating." I said already getting out of Vox arms.

"Are you crazy ?!? Why would you date him?"

"Cause I can ! And he cares about me. And remember you said if I pick him I would have to move out and I did."

Alastor stayed quiet.

"Now if you excuse me and Vox we need to pay our stuff now. It was nice see you." I said walking away with Vox.

"Dang didn't know you can." Vox said.

"I told I would be fine." I said paying of what I have got.

After that we both went home and went to sleep.

Hey guys sorry I didn't upload earlier today . I was really busy with family. But at least I got a chapter done..right ? See ya in the next chapter!~

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