Chapter.5 (a wonderful walk with him.)

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Hello all ! Welcome to the 5 chapter! Have fun reading this! Just to warn you this chapter is going to be a long one so be prepared.

Once I close my eyes I couldn't go to sleep all I kept on thinking was Vox. After a minute or two I got up and took the note and looked at it . I thought about calling him or waiting until tomorrow morning. I got up and walked to my phone and dialed the numbers. I waited for a moment and then someone answer.

"Hello?" Said the person on the other side of the called.

"Um hi is this Vox?" I said nervous voice

"Ahh yes. this is Vox is this Y/N?"

"Yes this is Y/N."

"Ahh how nice of you to call me so let me guess you couldn't go to sleep?"

"Yeah how you know?"

"Sweetie it's 11:54 . Almost midnight."

"Wait really? Well I didn't know."

"Heh well anyways would you like to meet tomorrow? And we can go walk around hell?"

"Uhh sure I would love too but where would you like to met?"

"Hmm how about I'll met you at your house how does that sound?"

"Sure thing but the thing is that I live in the happy hotel and Alastor is here so I'll meet you outside in the front door. Is that okay?"

"Hmm sure . I don't even what to see the deer . but anyways I'm going to sleep I'll see you tomorrow ~ good night Y/N."

"Alright good night Vox."

Once he hang up o put my phone next to my bed . And i lay down once again and close my eyes and feel asleep.

———————the next day————————

I woke up and changed into My favorite clothes I bought. It was a beautiful dressy (sorry if you don't like wearing dresses or even like them.)I walked down stairs to the Kitchen. I made myself some F/F for breakfast . It's very good ! I also got a cup of coffee (sorry if you hate coffee.) I hear someone coming . I turned around and it was Alastor. I hope he didn't hear me calling Vox.

"Hello darling!" Said alastor with his pajamas on.

"Good morning Alastor." I said after dunking my coffee.

"So Y/N are you liking hell so far?"

"Meh it's cool and all but it's pretty chill here."

"Oh that's nice to hear do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why are you wearing a very beautiful dress?"

"Oh well I was going on a walked. Why you ask?"I knew I had to lie to Alastor . If I tell the real reason he's probably going to get mad and be overprotective.

"Oh nothing just wanted to know. Are the others going with you?"

"Uhh nope just by myself."

"Would you want me to come with you? "

"Nope Im fine I'll be okay."

"If you say so my Darling. But please be careful there are creeps out there."

"Don't worry I will be."

"Okay please come back before night time."

"Okay I promise!"

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