twenty five | edited

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"Why don't we just kill her?" Mahito pipped up as Suguru stared at the flowing ocean in front of him.

He was growing more impatient now that it had reached the third month. He wanted your soul all to himself and now that you kept this deal going, he became more irritated. Every second that you continue to live, made every second of his need grow.

"By the end of this month, we will have her by the throat. And I will be able to take over this world," he pushed past the patch face.

He was starting to make a plan in his mind. This plan would get you trapped so he could make it easier for himself to steal every ounce of your life. It would be short and straight to the point so there won't be anyone to intervene.

The plan was to lure one of the students without notice. He would know you would go alone too since you cared about getting them back as soon as possible without anyone else getting worried, especially hurt too.

That's the person you were. Selfless and selfish. Selfless because you refused to have others become tormented so you place everything on yourself. Selfish because you would take all the pain to yourself even if that meant dying for everyone.

When you come to save that student, he would kill you the moment you walk through. Then kill the student as a trophy. When all that is over, he would take over the sorcerer community and wreck havoc on the entirety of the world. That included creating chaos with innocent civilians.

He slightly cackled to himself as his own minions stared at him as if he was crazy. Though, they did know he was crazy with how he was as a person. He was a villain, a murderer. That was what villains were. It runs in their blood.

"So what is the plan? Considering how you're laughing to yourself," Jogo asked while the people stared at his devious expression.

He began to explain the game plan. They listened closely and remembered every word that came out of his lips. He made sure to assign each and every one of them a role in his plan. They agreed that it was a good plan to use the student as a distraction.

"...and when she gets through?" all the curses looked at each other before glancing up to Suguru who held a dark smirk on his face.

"We kill her."

You were making your way back to the school from the Hikari house. You had thanked your mother for using her time to comfort you when you were at your lowest. She was another output similar to Suguru. It was good to be able to spill all your feelings. It was a good coping method to how you were feeling.

You entered the empty halls. It was in the afternoon so the students were either on small missions (being accompanied or by themselves) or they were practicing in the practice area. You were glad that you didn't have anyone to bump into.

You entered your room and closed the door with a click. You were rummaging from under the bedside table and pulled out your diary. You didn't really like saying it was a place where you kept your secrets, but it was another part of your everyday of coping. 

You grabbed the pen that laid beside the lamp and opened the notebook. You began to write to your hearts content. Everything or whatever came to mind. Whether it be death, love, Satoru, and so much more. You wanted everything to be plastered on the notebook as a good legacy.

All your frustrations were plastered all over the paper. Your wishes and wants followed after. This made you start to feel happy that everything was coming together. Like an art piece. You would totally feel like your life would become an artistic piece.

You started to doddle all over the other blank pages. There were some mistakes here and there, but sketching always meant mistakes would occur. There wasn't anything wrong with it. This would help bring your mind to a rest. Your mind was quelled from all the things racing in your mind.

You stretched when you finished doing a lot of writing on the notebook. You place it back where you found it and began to make your way out the room. Your feet moved you to the place where Ieiri would be. Your heart began to race at the thought of consulting her about your life.

This felt like you were dying and you were having to tell everyone goodbye. Your body felt weaker today and your mind felt more jumbled. Right, today was one of your weekly check ups from her.

You enter the infirmary room to see her treating one of the students. You smile as they notice your appearance. They seemed enlightened to see you standing there so you felt warm to know that you had people continuing to care for you.

"Good seeing you here Y/N," Ieiri didn't tear her eyes away from the patient that sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, I can't miss my weekly check up from my favorite nurse," you playfully laugh as you make your way to her side.

Doctor. She was a doctor. She stopped when she heard your hearty chuckle. She turned her head to meet your confused eyes. You hadn't laughed in a long time and it was evident to Ieiri that this could be suspicious or you were getting happier for a good reason.

"What're you laughing about? You don't do that without having intention behind it," she asked and went back to stitching back the wound the student's shoulder had.

You stopped. What were your intentions? Was this all for fun or were you being nervous about something? You didn't even know yourself, so you thought to yourself. A reason to laugh was an a response you didn't know you needed to have.

"Nothing, nothing at all."

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jessi speaks !
don't forget to vote! and don't be a silent reader!
i love reading comments.

almost. we're so close to the best
part. i hope you guys stick around
for it!

question of the day:
if you wanted to learn an
instrument, what instrument
would you pick?

my response:
guitar or piano. those are the
ones i want to learn or have already
learned so might as well. i have a guitar
already so 🤭

 i have a guitaralready so 🤭

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