Contract 9: Technological Tombstones

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"I guess I should start by revealing a bit about myself. I've never really felt emotions not like a normal person, at least not since my father died. When he was killed he told me to find happiness and live a happy life. But I never could. So I thought I'd try to mimic others but... well, a few homicides and restraining order later I gave up on that and decided, 'Fuck it, I'm going to find out who killed my father'. I was looking for closure I suppose. So I did what my father did, and between his training and my natural skill, I got good at it. I started to make a fair bit of money, and with that money was able to buy the answers I was looking for. Which lead me here, to Earth, to you."
Chris raised an eyebrow, "To me?"
"Yes, to you. Truthfully, I've been working under the assumption that you might have been the one that killed my father, but after this frankly spectacular fucking mess we both made I now know that I was wrong. Which is why I'm here...apologizing... to you."

Mana stood up from her chair and bowed as she spoke, "So Mr. Cartwin, as my apology to you I leave you with 3 things. First, I will fully cover all of you're daughter's medical bills due to... our past disagreements. Second, bounty immunity for you and your family on behalf of the entire Blackhat Bounty Network of Phobos. And finally, the most important thing."

She straightened up, "Revenge."
"How are you giving me revenge?"
"Well, Mr. Cartwin. I've paid to have myself killed. I'm sure you are aware of the massive bounty currently on my head."
Chris stood from his chair, "That still doesn't answer my question! How is that revenge?"
"Like this Mr. Cartwin." She lifted a hand and snapped.

The click of the snap was simultaneous to the crack of the gunshot. A bullet came flying through the fog, it was nigh invisible but Chris watched it all in slow motion as he put his hand out towards Mana.

Her body slammed to the ground as the round ripped her neck to shreds. He blood curled over the concrete, all to closely matching the dress's color. Chris ran to be beside her, kneeling in the blood pool. He inspected the wound but he knew it didn't matter, she had died instantly and her Node was shattered into pieces, there was no bringing her back. A nearby waiter started to scream, another started to call the police.

" this wasn't how this was going to end. I was... I was going to..." His mind raged at him, "I was going to WHAT! Magically find a way to arrest her and force her to work with me. Wake up Chris you fucking dumbass!"

He slapped himself and stood, back-peddling out of the pool of blood, "I wanted justice, not this... but... I needed... answers... I want answers. You did so much I could never believe... I mean if I could solve your case... then I could do anything right?" He broke down into tears as he laughed hysterically, "I could prove anything... and, and, I... I could have gotten my own justice, for her, for Emerald. We could have done ANYTHING! You and I! We could have worked Warmage over together. My power, your connections."

A hand grabbed his shoulder, it was Chuck, "Hey! Hey! Look at me! You speaking nonsense Chris! Snap out of it!"

Chuck guided him to the back of a car, his tears never stopped flowing and the mumbling became more crazed. He never noticed what something fell out of his pocket. Chuck picked it up and glanced it over.

"What the hell?"

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