Part 10| Is she your girlfriend?

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--CG5 POV--

I sit at the lunch table waiting for my friends to come.

After waiting for a few minutes, Dolvondo came first and greet me with a question.

"Charl, who's that girl with you this morning? Is she your girlfriend?" he curiously asks. "What?! No, she's just a friend" I said.

"I see, btw why do you have so many bandages?" he asks. "Well, I got beaten up-" "You got what?" Will appear behind me.

"Oh, nothing. Just got beaten up," I said smoothly. "Who is it this time?" he asks.

Man, there are so many questions. "Okay, can we just eat? I'm hungry," I said. Then, we stop talking and start eating our lunch.

"I'm pretty sure she's your girlfriend-"

"Marshall if you don't shut up-"

---A few moments later---

I packed all my stuff to get back home.   Tomorrow is the weekend. I don't know what I can do besides practising my voice all day long.

I shut my locker and start walking outside. Until  "Hey, Charlie!" I realized Chi-chi is right beside me.

"Oh, hey!" I said back. "remember, call me if you need any help or bored. Okay?" Once I nodded we both went to our car and drive home.


I lay on my bed. Don't know what to do. I flip my pen around out of boredom.

I decided to take out my phone and try asking somebody to team up with me.

Which ended up to me not texting anyone because I'm scared. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just can't ASK someone that I don't know to perform with me.

I text my friends instead. We send memes and said some funny jokes then went offline for no reason.

"Remember, call me if you need help or bored. Okay?"

A thought came into my head and it says that I should maybe talk to Chi-chi. You know creat a bond with her.

She saved me a couple of times after all.

CG5: Hey, Chi-chi!

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CG5: Hey, Chi-chi!

Chi-chi: Hey! Is everything okay?

CG5: Everything is doing alright. I just wanna texted you that's all.

Chi-chi: Ah, I see. So, what are you doing right now? 

CG5: Nothing much. Just practising. My parents aren't home right now.

Chi-chi: Cool! I'm just listening to a song right now.

CG5: Yeah, speaking of songs. You sang really well.

Chi-chi: No I don't!

CG5: Yes you do!

Chi-chi: Whatever! I can't believe you heard me at the roof. 

CG5: I am surprised too. I mean, I can't be the only one who has heard you sing before!

Chi-chi: Gosh, stop complimenting me >:(

 CG5: Aww, c'mon I know you liked it! 

Chi-chi: No I don't. 

CG5: You really don't?

I tried to sound really sad to see how she reacts. I mean, that's what friends do sometimes. Right?

Chi-chi: No, It's not like that. I love your complement 

CG5: It's okay, just tell me you don't

Chi-chi: NOO, I really do!!

CG5: HAHA, gotcha! I'm just playing tricks on you ;) 

Chi-chi: Gosh, you got me scared for a sec ;-;

CG5: Haha, sorry. 

We talked for a while until she brings something up. 

Chi-chi: Oh, and btw. Have you found your partner yet?

((Wait, YEAH. I still didn't find a partner yet!! Gosh this is so hard)) 

CG5: No... It's hard to find somebody that wants to join me. 

Chi-chi: How many times have you join that competition?

CG5: Ever since I started school here. 

Chi-chi: Wow! How many times have you won?

CG5: None.

Chi-chi: Awwh. That's too bad. 

CG5: It's okay. Luck will get to me sooner or later. 

Chi-chi: I hope so. 

We both end our conversation because she had to do something. So once we both said goodbye. I started going extremely worried crazy. 

Everybody knows in order to make your song better, you have to find a friend. But right now all of my friends want me to sing with someone different!!

Gosh, my head is hurting right now. How am I going to find a partner at the right moment?? How am I supposed to even FIND a partner?!

I mean, they are kinda right. The audience will find it frustrating if I sing with the same person over and over again. They won't find it different if I sing with that 'person' all the time. 

I started to give up on all of my thoughts. So, I sat on my bed and looked at one of my hands that has bandages. 

I started to think of something. What if... What if I invited-  

No, Nah. She said it already that she didn't wanna be apart of the competition... 

I'm going to take a nap while listening to songs. I'll handle all of this next time. The singing competition can wait. 

Someone {CG5 x Chi-chi} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now