Part 20| I had a great time

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---Chi-chi POV---

He grabs the microphone and played the tune. Suddenly, he opens his mouth and softly sings the song ALMOST flawlessly. I was not that shocked but still pretty amazed by it. The only reason I was trying to break him, was because I wanted to see him singing Infront of me. I mean, I need to know how my partner sing first before I start performing, right? While he was singing, I just kept my eyes on his face. He didn't even open his eyes. Man, I wish I can be as talented as him.

While he was singing, he opens his eyes and wink at me for some reason. I blushed a little by it, but I knew he was just messing with me. Mr CG5 really IS a new person when he's singing.

I was a little disappointed when stops singing. Man, I can listen to that all day long. He bowed to me and I just clap my hands to him. "Wow Mr CG5, that was pretty impressive!" I compliment him. I notice his red cheeks "I told you to stop calling me that," he demanded. Ya think I would stop by just telling me to? Hah! Cute. "But okay, I get it. Let's both practice," he then starts again helping me with some warm-up. Being a friend, he decided to do some voice warm-up too.

Why would he help me like this? Why does he still wanted to be my friend after  I ignore his pain and focus more on my stupid ex? Why? I don't exactly understand and I'm a bit frustrated by it. But whatever it is... I'm grateful that he's still here. I'm grateful that he is willing to help me. I'm grateful that he was singing in front of me and agrees to do a warm-up with me. "Hey, Chi-Chi?" he calls me all of the sudden. "Yeah?" I said. "I just wanted to say... Thanks.." after that, I was left confused. I'm the one who should be thanking him!- "for not hating me after ignoring you and judging you just for being with that a$$hole... Thank you for being here with me," he thanked me... Again. I was flattered by it, but "Uhm, I-I should be the one that was thanking you... For not leaving me after being with that bully of yours... And for forgiving me after what I've done!-" I take a deep breath since I was speaking really fast. I don't know why, but I just felt like I wanted to explain something.

He just looks at me and just.. Smile. I don't know I would end up saying this, but he looks kind of handsome. "Look, I'm the one who's been the jerk here.. I wanted to say sorry for ignoring you," He continues "I've been cold towards you and I hope you can forgive me for that.." He asks me for forgiveness. I was still confused. But... "What kind of question is that? Of course, I do! You're my best friend, even best friend makes mistakes,"  everyone deserves a second chance. Who knows if I should be thanking him? or he should be thanking me. It doesn't matter. 

I may regret doing this... But I really wanna hug him right now, for being such an understanding friend. I wrap my arms around his torso, cause I'm pretty short- yeah, shut up. He then wraps his arms around my neck, hugging me back. His warm embrace really clears my mind a bit. He then chuckles "how long are we going to stay like this?" He asks me. "As long as you wanted it to be," I let him decided. "Alright then, 5 more minutes, then we'll start practising again."

This hug makes me feel as if I don't need to care about it all anymore. I don't care about Jack anymore. I haven't felt this warm or ignorant for years. I never thought I would feel this feeling again. ((Thank you, Charlie)) I said in my mind. I was too shy to say thank you again in real life. He might think that I'm weird. Honestly, I would've punched him if he does.

When I realize that 5 minutes is already over, I pulled away and so does him. Then, Charlie and I start singing the song. Unlike him, I make a lot of mistakes, causing me and him to start all over again. "Don't worry, best friend makes mistakes too," he said the same word I said before while stroking my back with his hand. "Don't use my words on me to make me feel better, Charlie! It won't work!" I said to him with an annoyed tone. Now, I'm beginning to care about making mistakes again. He chuckled again at my behaviour. He sure does laugh at a lot of things.

Suddenly, my mother knocked upon the door and ask if Charlie and I were busy. I said no and she opens my door. "If both of you are hungry. I make dinner!" She insisted the both of us to eat. Well, about time, I'm really hungry. Also, what time is it? There's no way Charlie and I stayed in my room for THAT long, right? Wow... I even ignore time- "sure, I am pretty hungry right now. What about you, Chi-Chi?" Charlie asks me after he agrees to eat. "Heck yes, I want to eat!" I ran out to the door and into the kitchen. Charlie follows my mother to the kitchen since he doesn't know where is it. 

When we both got there, Charlie and I sit down and then, my mom put some foods that we can choose a jar of juice. I started eating first since I was hungry as hell. Charlie was looking at me funny, I guess he never has seen me eat like this. But I guess he doesn't mind at all since he shrugs it off and ate his food. "Wow, this food taste really delicious!" Charlie complimented my mom's cooking. "Aww, why thank, Charlie. Aren't you a gentleman?" she said. "Well, I guess I am," never thought he would compliment himself, but hey, it's Charlie after all. 


After we finally finish our meal. Charlie said that he has to go home before his parents come back home. I walk him to the door and said goodbye to him. Charlie asks me if he could come again next Saturday. How could I say no? Before he runs back to his car, I hug him one last time and said that had a great day. Then, off he goes.

I turn around and I saw my mom was just standing there "You both are just so adorable! Are you sure you were only just practising in there? ;)" She said with a smug face. I realize what she meant by that and my face turns red. "MOOOMM!!"  I yelled with an embarrassed tone. "Hehe, I was just messing with you!" She giggles. "I'm just going to go to bed," after that, I went to my room and change to my pyjamas. As soon as tuck to bed. I replay everything that happens today... Everything. Like the time where he was singing, the time when we hug things out, the time where I got frustrated cause I can't sing songs right.

How could anyone ever hate him? He's such a nice guy. Next time if Jack ever beat him up again, I'll stand up for him and beat Jack's a$s. I slowly close my eyes and finally drift off to sleep.

A/N: OH no! I accidentally wrote a page with 1310 words! Not agaaain!!!

Honestly, I never thought this page would even reach to 900 words. I hope this page is not too boring for ya'll. I spent only one day writing this, kinda sus. 

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