스물 둘

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You were sat on the couch, alongside jimin, namjoon, hoseok and jin. Your legs were on namjoon and your head was in jimins chest. It was movie night, your parents were out of town and you guys had nothing to do. You look up above you and see jimin and hoseoks eyes glued to the tv, seokjin dead asleep, and you turn your head to namjoon who was playing some game on his phone.

"Do we still have to watch this? this is our third time watching it!" you whine looking at the television.

"shush, we can't hear" jimins said. You roll your eyes in return and open the instagram app beginning to look through it.

You hadn't seen yoongi in about three weeks now, or talked to him. Apparently your brother neither, he said had talked to him maybe about once but that was it. He was too busy with his new girlfriend.

You sigh out loud then switch over to snapchat. You had looked through a couple of snaps and even your brothers, seeing a pic of jin laying out on his lap. You then go over to your chats seeing all the unanswered ones and most of the ones you actually did answer.

Opening you and yoongis chat you sigh again, he had yet to open your message also he didn't reply to any. You leave the chat and close your phone sitting it on your lap, about to turn around and watch the tv but then your phones goes off, you were getting a notification.

you roll your eyes in annoyance. "why didn't this just go off when i had my phone out?" you mumble to yourself attempting to be quiet because the boys eyes were still glued to the tv.

Sugaagust 👅 sent you a snap !

You frown, your eyebrows scrunched in confusion as you sit up off of jimin and namjoon. They clearly didn't care because neither of them moved or said anything.

You look back down at your phone and pressed the notification, it opened to the chat. he sent you a pic but it had yet to load. It seemed like it was taking exceptionally long as you waited. Was your service trash? or what. You then look up at the tv so you could wait for the picture to load so you wouldn't be staring at the screen the whole time.

You hadn't even noticed that the screen loaded so once you looked back down you felt your body getting hot as you gasped as loud as you had ever did. You took the attention away from the tv as all eyes were now on you.

You scramble with your phone as you try and turn it off but all you were doing was taking a million screenshots as you see yoongi start to text you with multiple apologies and 'fucks'.

"what the hell is wrong with you?' namjoon asks.

You feel it yourself that your face was hot as you finally got to turn your phone off. you look down at the phone as you stuff it in between your thighs.


Jimin was looking at you, eyes puzzled. As hoseok eyes were still on the television.


"yes y/n" hoseok said, eyes still not on you.

"why did yoongi send me a picture of his penis?"


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