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Sugaagust 👅: so what does this mean ?us ?

JungY/n💕: why are you asking me? you liked me first ...

Sugaagust 👅: okay
Sugaagust 👅: be my girlfriend , now precisely

JungY/n💕: that's not how you ask baby

Sugaagust 👅: but that's how we became friends at first ?

JungY/n💕: 🙄

Sugaagust 👅: okay okay i'll ask right
Sugaagust 👅: will you be my girlfriend?

JungY/n💕: of course dumbass .... i like you too much to say no. Why would you ask that

Sugaagust 👅: i-
Sugaagust 👅: you-
Sugaagust 👅: fuck, i'm coming over.
Sugaagust 👅: see you there girlfriend ?

JungY/n💕: see you , boyfriend 🥰

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