Chapter 7 // Our Love is God ✓

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Chapter 7 // Our Love is God


I was still being held by Harry, my legs wrapped around his waist. I kept sobbing and he sat us down on the floor. He lifted my face and wiped my tears away

"Surprise" He said

"You fucker, scared the crap out of me when I saw some random dude standing in my room"

He laughed "Well, that dude is your best friend."

I finally got a good look at Harry after these 4 years of only seeing him between a screen. He has grown up so much. His hair is longer, his eyes seemed greener if that was even possible. He smelled wonderful. I never wanted to let go him again.

"How did you even get in my house, or know where I lived?" I said into his chest

"Your mom, she helped me make sure I got here" he smiled rubbing my back gently

I softly whispered "Thank You" to him. I didn't care if he heard. Before a few minutes ago, I forget what it was like to live and have someone you love by your side and now I remember.

We continued to sit like this for a few minutes before Harry's eyes found my guitar I had dropped

"Is that your guitar?" He asked. I nodded my head yes and got up to grab it. I took it from the floor and sat on my bed with it on my lap.

"Wanna do that duet?" He winked at me, joining me seated on my bed

"Let's do it" I said

I set up my camera so it just showed my hands playing the guitar and Harry's hands and stomach area. Harry started the song

"They made you cry

But that will end tonight

You are the only thing right

About this broken world"

Harry's voice was so soothing and clear. For this song, he added a little rasp to it and I continued

"I was alone

I was a frozen lake

But then you melted me awake

See now I'm crying too"

We both came together, our voices harmonizing and flowing perfectly together

"We can start and finish wars

We're what killed the dinosaurs

We're the asteroid that's over due"

Harry ended the song, never taking his eyes off of me

"I worship you

I'd trade my life for yours

They all will disappear

We'll plant our garden here

Our love is god"

I finished the song with a nice flow out. Even after the music had stopped we continued to stare at each other, slowly moving closer and closer. Harry's face was inches away from mine, i could feel his breath on my lips.


and closer


"MIA! I'M HOME!" My mom calls from downstairs and Harry and I separate to opposite ends of the room

"C'mon, I wanna go see my Lisaaaa" Harry sing-songy says grabbing my hand and rushing down the stairs

Mom stands leaning on the kitchen counter texting. She looks up and her eyes grow wide.

"Harry! You've gotten so tall!" She said rushing over to him giving him a big hug and pinching his cheeks

Harry laughed "I've missed you more Lisa"

I watched them from the side which they had their own little reunion. My mom and Harry were always close.

"We were just heading out" Harry says grabbing my hands

"We were?"

"Yes. Now let's go" He says pulling me out the door. We get into my car.

"So, Mia. Show me your city"


"That's my school over there. It's a piece of crap. Everyone is so shitty" I say pointing towards hell

"Speaking of school, Do I get to meet any of your friends?" He asks in a jokingly manner. He assumes I have friends besides him.

"Ummm.. maybe" I say and immediately start talking about something else to get him off the topic of friends I don't have.

We drove a little further till we reached the park. I parked near the path to my secluded spot.

"This" I say pointing towards the path "Is my favorite place in this whole country"

We walk down the path and reach my secluded spot, sitting down in the grass. The temperature is nice enough to be sitting comfortably.

"So, any boyfriends" Harry asks me. I shake my head

"Who in their right mind would date me" I say quietly under my breath looking down

"Anyone would Mia, you're an amazing girl. You're smart, kind, beautiful, strong" He lies. I know he's lying, but I won't question him

I look at him in the eyes and we're silent once again. This time we're faster leaning in and his lips are lightly pressed against mine when I hear laughter coming from the path. A very familiar laughter.

I quickly pull away getting up "We have to get out of here"

"What? What's wrong Mia?" Harry says in confusion

"I-It's getting dark. Lets go" I say pulling his hand and rushing towards the other path

The universe really hates me. Of course the path I choose is the one Braden Silver is running down this very moment in her bright pink tracksuit and earphones plugged in. She keeps running until she spots me.

And then she spots Harry. I see a bit of confusion in eyes at first, I mean we are holding hands and I think she assumed I lost contact with Harry.

Braden comes up to us and wraps me into a hug. "Mia!" She squeals

She silently whispers into my ear "Play along or secret is out" and she pulls away.

"Oh my gosh! So silly of me! Hi I'm Braden, Mia's best friend" Braden says giving Harry a polite kiss on the cheek greeting that makes my blood boil.

"I'm Harry" Harry smiles. He looks so innocent and genuine. If only he knew what hell this girl has put me through.

She fake giggle "Oh I know!"

"Nice seeing you Braden, but we really have to go"

Braden puts on a pout face "Okay. Text me later M's!" She says and continues jogging

When she is out of sight, Harry says "She is the only girl I know who wears a cakeload of makeup jogging"

I can't help myself and I let out a hardy laugh.

Harry and I head home and enjoy the rest of the night watching full house reruns and posting our duet to youtube.

What a silly mistake I made, posting the video. If only I knew the consequences of my actions.

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