chapter 5 // i'd fly far away from here ✓

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chapter 5 // i'd fly far away from here

"wait, you're her? you're veronicasawyer?"

i nodded biting my lip

"i'm herewegoagain!" he exclaimed looking as though he was going to explode with excitement

"no way!" i said letting a smile come on my face

"you never told me you could sing mia!" he said

i shrugged "it never came up"

"sing for me" he said all of a sudden

i blushed "well what should i sing?"


i put my phone down and got my guitar out. i positioned the camera facing me.

"i'm only doing this because you're my best friend" i said

"yeah yeah, sing please" he said dismissing me

i took a breath and began

"superboy and the invisible girl

son of steel and daughter of air

he's a hero, a lover, a prince

she's not there"

i continued until i reached the end of the song and opened my eyes. harry was smiling widely and clapping till his hands turned red

"i wish you told me you had a perfect voice earlier" he chuckled and sighed "we should do a duet"

i chuckled along with him "yeah, as soon as you get your butt over to visiting me"

he gave me a shy smile "i've really missed you mia"

i was about to reply to him when niall walked into the room harry was in. he was wearing black skinny jeans and a grey shirt, holding his phone in his hand

"harry have you seen my hoodie i can't find it-" he stopped mid sentence when he realized harry was on facetime

"mia!" he called pushing harry out of the way and stealing his phone

i giggled "hi niall"

"how have yer been? when are you coming to visit us?" he said as harry attempted to take the phone back

"soon.. hopefully" i said

niall turned towards harry and handed him back his phone waving bye to me

"i promise i'll meet ya mia! harry never stops talking about you" he said and then closed the door to harrys room. i saw the red beginning to form in harry's cheeks. he turned towards to clock in order to try and avoid me seeing him blushing. he noticed the time and almost jumped from his seat

"shit mia, we've got a plane to catch" he said rushing around his room packing last minute things

"i'll leave you to it. have a safe flight harry! love ya" i said

"love ya back miaz"

he ended the call and i threw my phone down on my blanket. i lay back in my bed and closed my eyes


i woke up the next morning on top of my sheets in the same outfit i wore while on the phone with harry. i glanced at the clock. it read 5:08. i groaned and got under my sheets hoping to sleep for another two hours. i closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again, but it wasn't working out.

i decided to open my phone and go on twitter, hopefully falling asleep in the process. i scrolled through the mindless tweets. while scrolling my life away, i saw pictures of harry arriving at some airport.

"must of been the flight he was late to" i muttered to myself letting out a soft chuckle.

i never told anyone that me and harry styles were best friends. then they would all be my fake friend or just have another reason to yell hateful things at me. they'd probably mention how he probably hates me and that i'm too young to be his friend or that i'm lying. it was best kept a secret

 i fell asleep again with my best friend in my mind

i woke up again at the proper time, my alarm blazing loud as it does every single morning. i went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. my face had a few bruises and cuts that i would have to cover with foundation. my body ached in pain. i threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants hoping to cover all the bruises and scars on the rest of my body. i applied foundation to cover every bruise and cut on my face and headed downstairs for breakfast and left to school.

when i got to school i put my hood on hoping not to be recognized or seen by anyone who wanted to hurt me even more than i am now. i walked to my locker and walked right past the drama room. i suddenly remembered my audition yesterday and how mrs. monroe said the cast list would be up today. i stopped walking, my heart racing, and my hands shaking. i approached the door of the drama room and looked at the sheet of paper.

next to normal

natalie: mia harrison

"oh my god" i said bringing a hand up to my face to cover the shock and the happiness i was feeling. i couldn't stop smiling even after i kept walking to my locker and to first period.

i had gotten it. i had gotten one of my dream roles

as i walked away i watched other people go up to the cast list, some giving each other high fives, some of them punching the wall in anger. i still smiled, feeling the excitement rush through me. until i saw her

braden silver. if there was a most popular girl in school, it was her. she was the definition of perfection, long blonde hair and big blue eyes. talent that knocked everyone away and enough money that she didn't have to work a day in her life. her heels clicked against the floor as i watched her and her posse go up to the cast list. suddenly, her face was full of anger and she snapped her head towards me. frightened, i began to walk away quickly when i felt someone push me inside the girls bathroom.

as i was shoved into the bathroom, the person locked the door to keep anyone from entering. braden walked towards me as i backed up and i was eventually against the wall

braden looked as if she could murder someone, but that was hid by the smug look on her face. she was going to get what she wanted most likely, and she knew it.

"mia harrison born march 25, 1998. dad left her when she turned 5 and she moved to the states when she turned twelve. am i correct?" braden said

i slowly nodded in fear "y-yes that's a-all correct" i stuttered

"darling little mia, i had a feeling you would get my role. we all heard your audition from outside, luckily it was only a few people because you're going to drop the role you probably deserved"

feeling brave all of a sudden i commented back "and what makes you think i would do that"

she laughed and looked at me, looking smugger than ever. "I didn't finish my story" she said.

"since i figured you might get the role i had daddy's men look into your past back in london, searching for anything that i could use to get what i want. so, drop the role or i tell everyone you and the harry styles were best friends"

the downfall of mia // hsWhere stories live. Discover now