13. Dead Mate

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I drag Gavin through the halls. Maybe I shouldn't do this, this will break Jaspers heart. But he won't know. I won't tell him. Hopefully he can't read minds. Well, he said he couldn't but he might be able to.
Crap, what if he can!--
"Violet" sighs Gavin, stopping my train of thought. I ignore him and I pull him into the janitors closet.
I'll have to take my chances if Jase can read minds.
"Shh" I say, pulling things off the shelf. Mostly paints and brushes and putting them on the floor.
I climb up the paint cans and I climb up them to the window right near the ceiling.
Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall.
I open the window and I slither through.
"Come on Gavin" I sigh.
A minute later, Gavin crawls through behind me.
We both crawl through the small air vents, and I hope Gavin is looking at my butt!
I reach a latch above us and I open it and crawl through that.
Gavin follows.
"Fate, it's Fate."
He raises and eyebrow and I shrug it off.
We have ended up in a room I like to call the attic! DUN...DUN...DUN....
Really, it's a big room with no door or windows but a small air vent latch. The room is quite cool and there is nothing in here except for dust and mould.
"Vi....I mean Fate, I--"
I smash my lips to his.
I thought he would be rough, needy. But no, he was still that soft, gentle Gavin I kissed before the arrow in my stomach. Like, literally, a minute before.
He pulls me in a bit closer, but he did it with caution. I don't know why I'm doing this...well, I do but I don't know why I'm doing it like this?
I could just explain the situation I am in.
I'm madly in love with you, Gavin, and Jasper, not to mention the fact I have two more mates.
Ugh! Two more hearts to break when I choose one!
No, saying that wouldn't help. I think this would.
Gavin pulls away reluctantly.
"I don't get it" he whispers, putting our foreheads together. "I don't get how you can love us both."
I sigh.
"Remember there's two mor--"
I freeze.
Destiny appears out of nowhere and grabs my hand, making it tingle. Gavin freezes when he sees her too.
Since when could he see her?
"Wait here Gavinerld Falls" she says in her soothing way.
Gavin blushes.
"Your names not Gavin?" I ask, astonished.
"Gavinerld is my full name....uh, Gavin's just fine, thank Destiny."
He knows her name?
What else have I missed since I left?
"Okay Gavin. I have to take her somewhere, okay?"
He looks like he's going to argue.
Oh bother.
"Uh, Gav, meet up with Kat and Scar and I'll meet up with you soon" I say before he gets Destiny angry.
Gavin sighs, nods, then gives me a small, swift kiss on the lips before he jumps back down the latch.
I turn on my heel to face Destiny.
"Where to?"
"The Clouds"
"Huh? wha--"
Destiny grabs my hand and....pulls
....my spirit? out of my body?
I stand there, transparent and ghost like, looking back at the other me, frozen still like a statue.
"W-What?" I say, quivering.
Destiny sighs.
"Let's go."
She pulls my hand and as flies through the roof--actually, she ghosts through--out into the clouds and drops me down on one.
Oh. My. Gish!
I'm standing on a fluffy white cloud!
"Hush" she rasps, making movements with her arms.
Slowly, bits of the cloud start to swirl and take form.
The flame in Destiny's eyes spread, licking down her face, to her neck and travels down to her toes and fingers until she is consumed by flames.
The cloud form takes shape of a boy. The clouds change colour and I gasp.
It's a boy, my age, beautiful kelp green hair and rainbow eyes. He is tan and he is built very good.
I sigh, actually quite annoyed with Destiny.
Hurry up....!
"Finley Serpent. Merman,. Age 17, height 6.2 foot."
I stare at Destiny confusingly.
Who is this devilishly handsome kid?
I gasp.
Why is he so handsome?
"Finley Serpent is one of your other mates."
Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...
"I want you to go straight to Seawater high and collect him" she says so sternly.
"What if I don't want to" I snap.
She glares at me, the orange fire from her body swirls and forms a giant lion head above her. It roars at me and lunges at me.
I stumble and fall onto my butt, I outstretch my hands and blood red flames shoot out and block the lion from hurting me.
Destiny's flames retreat back into her and I do the same with mine.
The corner of her lip curves up.
"Interesting. Using an illusion spell to cover up the colour of your eyes."
I growl at her.
"Red, aren't they?"
I growl louder.
"Anyway, you will be attracted to Finley. You can't help but look for him. He is devilishly handsome."
I blush, and I'm probably the same shade as a tomato.
"Stay out of my mind" I spit.
"I can't help it. Why is he so handsome? Really?" she laughs.
I growl and cross my arms over my chest.
"What about the other?" I ask.
She sighs and sits on the ground. I slowly walk to her and sit next to her.
Her eyes are streaming with tears and I pat her shoulder.
"What is it?" I ask.
She sniffs and gently flicker her hand up and the clouds swirl to create another form.
A boy, pale with red hair and yellow eyes, slightly muscular.
For some reason, he didn't have as much appeal to me compared to the others.
"Peter Kilper. Warlock. Age 14. Height 5.11 foot. Deceased." Another tear slides down her cheek.
"Dead. Three years ago. Murdered by the Destroyers. His mother was a powerful witch and the Destroyers wanted her. Peter tried to protect her, and he did. They realised that he was even more powerful. He had potential. They tried to take him using a transport spell, but it killed him. Grief took his mother and she turned into the darkest witch alive. She had to be killed by all the Royals because she went on a killing spree. Had the school on lockdown and everything."
A tear escapes me and I lay down on the cloud.
He's dead.
Poor Peter, a powerful Warlock that wanted to protect his mother. Killed. He didn't deserve it.
I never knew him, never loved him, but I can feel the hole in my chest, burning. Throbbing.
My fingers tingle and a burst of blood red energy shoots out. I scream.
I lost a mate I never met.
I don't know how long I screamed and shot energy from my fingers, but soon Destiny sighs and pats my shoulder, calming me.
It could of been a second, a minute, a year and I wouldn't notice. I wouldn't care.
"Find Finley" she says softly.
I shakily pull the two bracelets out of my hand.
The green and yellow one.
"The yellow one belongs to Peter, doesn't it?" I whisper.
Destiny softly grabs the yellow one out of my hands, making the answer obvious.
That means the green one is for Finley. The merman.
I nod and she floats back to my body and puts me back in.


I think Scar likes Warren.
I don't know if it's just me, but I see the way they look at each other. They have some sort of feelings towards each other.
Oh and what Scar thinks about him in her mind. Gosh, she should keep her thoughts to herself.
Right now, me and Scar are walking along the south side of school, just near the tennis courts.
I hands never played tennis. Sad, really. I want to play, it looks fun and when I stumble, it will make everyone laugh--
"I found my brother" says Scar interrupting. "My brother. And I found out I don't age as well as I thought I did. This is all so sudden. Everything is so sudden."
I look at her and pat her encouragingly.
"Plus--"she continues"--I don't fry in the sun. The school sucks if you ask me. Lying, deceiving mother--"
I hold a hand up to her mouth to shh her. She has a dirty mouth.
"Hey guys" calls Gavin, flying down towards us. He lands and retracts his wings into his back.
He's cheery.
"Hey" says Scar and I just nod.
Gavin is beaming and I don't like it. What did you do Violet?
Where was the depressed Gavin I had seen earlier today?
I won't read his mind though. That would be invading his personal thoughts.
"So, any Destroyers?" he asks.
I shake my head, slowly.
"No. There's none so far."
Gavin's mouth gapes and Scar stares at me with wide eyes.
What did I say?
Gavin and Scar share a shocked glance so I fold my arms over my chest.
"What is it" I say with a hint of ice.
"You're speaking normally" says Scar.
I am.
I hadn't noticed, when did this happen? Wasn't that long ago.....
"When I was possessed" I whisper. How would that make me talk like this? I thought I was still stuttering after that. What the hell happened?
"I don't know....?"Scar shakes her head, obviously trying to figure it out.
"Doesn't matter" I say softly.
"Indigo!" I call and she jumps down from a tree.
"How'd you know--"
"Beats me" I say, shrugging.
She takes her cloth from her mouth and throws it to the ground muttering something about Destiny and that she is stupid and thoughtless.
Gavin stares at her wide eyes and I smirk, same with Scar.
She really does look like Vi.
Not identical, but so similar, you'd definitely know they were related.
"Have you even seen Vi--"
"Her name is Fate" says Indigo, interrupting Scar. "And mine is Hope." Okay Fate and Hope. Got it.
Jasper walks down the hill and I see Gavin tense. A flicker of worry crosses his face.
"Hope, there you are. We need the Rebels to be ready. We think they are going to attack tonight, rather than the afternoon."
He knows her real name?
She walks up to him and gives him a hug.
"Thank you for protecting my sister. I saw what she did, what happened, the village. With you she will be the little Fate I knew when we were kids" she whispers to him.
He nods.
Village? What happened?
We all look up to see Vi-.......Fate hovering above us. Two blood red wings gracefully flapping behind her, their tips turn to flames, but you can't hear them.
She drops and sighs.
'This going to be harder than a piece of cake' she thinks.

Violet....Fate POV

I spot Kat and I fly down towards her, until I see someone I would not think would be near Gavin.
They all look up at me, and Gavin's face is slightly upset. Was it because I didn't say his name? Probably.
I drop down on to the ground, drawing my wings back into where they belong.
I sigh.
This is going to be harder than a piece of cake.
"Fate, I haven't see you in a while." Indigo...sorry, Hope throws her arms around me in a big hug.
Damn she looks hot...only because she looks so much like me ;)
"Same," I whisper back.
I release her and I look back to Gavin and Jasper, both eagerly waiting to hear what I have to say.
I take a sharp intake of breath and slowly release it.
"I know where my other mate is" I say softly.
Both of their shoulders slump and they look away.
"One died a few years back--" a tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away"--but the other is alive and I know where he is."
"Where?" spits Jasper.
"Seawater high"
"Where's that?" asks Gavin, a little bit more curious and politely compared to Jasper.
"The lake....it's under water."


I'm going to CRY CAUSE PETER IS DEAD!!!!!

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