I'm coming

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I got home and mother wasn't there I saw a note left on the table:

'I'm going away for a couple of days to go and help McGonagall by setting a few things up for quidditch. You and Harry have fun'

I decided I should go and tell Harry so I went upstairs. He wasn't there. I looked over to my bed and saw another note:

' If you want your dear boyfriend back, come and get him. I'm not giving you any clues to where he is. Surely your "love for him" will be enough. Have fun on your journey my dear boy. We are related. We are family. You can't stop that. Come and get him, son. Come and get your Golden Boy.
- L'

I instantly recognised his handwriting. Lucius had him. He had him and he wasn't going to let him go until I went to find him. I let the tears run down my face. I was getting him out of there. First things first. Ron and 'Mione had to know. They would help me. I wasn't putting their lives in danger but they needed to know.

I left a note on the counter for Mother explaining that Father had abducted Harry and that I was going to find him even if it killed me I also told her not to worry, which I know sounded impossible but I couldn't think at all

I ran outside to where we kept all the creatures. I saw my thestral, I called her Sagitta. Ron and Hermione could see her so I thought why not. I didn't have time for a broom. I saddled her up and rode off.

I banged on the door and Ron came.

"Draco?! Why are you crying what happened?" He asked, scared

"Harry... Lucius took him. We need to find him" I cried.

A wave of fear came over him. "'MIONE!" He screamed

"What wrong Ro- why is Draco here? Where's Harry? Why are you both crying?!" She asked

"I promise that I'll explain later but we have to go. Now! Anything could happen to him!" I promised.

Ron went off to explain to Mrs. Weasley and Hermione came and hugged me with tears in her eyes. Ron came back with a packed bag for him and Hermione. It was time to go. I lifted myself up onto Sagitta and Ron got on his broom with 'Mione on his back. 'I'm coming, Golden Boy' I thought. We landed somewhere to take a better look at the note father had left. He really hadn't left any clues. We set up camp for the night. They suggested taking turns to keep watch and try and figure out the note at night but I disagreed. I decided to stay up every night and figure out where my sorry excuse of a father was keeping Harry. It had been three days and the bags under my eyes intensified. I thought back to my nightmares. Where were they set? Where was he being kept in my nightmares or in my worst fears. What happened? Where were we? There had to be a place I was afraid of. Or somewhere that Lucius felt powerful. But where? He always felt powerful back at Malfoy Manor. But that was ridiculous he obviously wasn't there. I was beginning to feel angry. I stood up and started to pace and before I knew it I was throwing punches at trees and hitting my head against them. Hermione walked out and saw that I felt terrible.

"Draco, it's okay..." She assured

"NO!... IT'S NOT OKAY" I yelled with tears running down my face uncontrollably "I NEED HIM AND HE ISN'T HERE! I WANT TO GET HIM OUT BUT I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS!" I screamed before collapsing to the ground.

Hermione ran over to me "we're going to find him, I promise"

I looked up at her "I know, we don't have a choice" I whispered.

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