The Girlfriend

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I got on the train with Teddy who was having some serious trust issues after Victorie had left their friendship for some Ravenclaw boy. The rest of the Junior Marauders came to sit with us and I was already a part of it since I was James Potter's grandson. We spoke for a while and then Victorie walked past holding her boyfriend's hand. Teddy shifted uncomfortably. I hoped he was okay. The trains stopped and Jackson went to get one of the carriages while the rest of us were forced to take the boats. We got there and I prayed to come to everybody's standards. The sorting hat was placed on my head.

"A Malfoy-Potter I see, so many choices, which father shall he follow? Very difficult indeed. Better be...GRYFFINDOR!"

The crowd cheered and I went to go and sit with the rest of the Gryffindors. I sat with Victorie's younger sister, Dominique who I was pretty close with. She had told me she wasn't so sure about the guy her sister took interest in. I told her I didn't like him either.

We got to the common room and I had my friends already so there was no point in me trying to make new ones. I sat on my bed and stared out the window. I hoped I would be okay. I hoped people wouldn't pick on me, in the case that they did I had the rest of Marauders to help me out so I shouldn't have been worried. I was worried about Moony. I hoped he was okay. I was already told about the map and I intended to use it when Teds wasn't. I slumped back onto my bed and just lay there.


I stared at the things in the box. I was starting to hate myself for looking through these things. Over the years it got more and more full. It now had:

The wand handle

The photo of my parents

The jacket that Victorie brought me that night

The photo of all the original marauders.

I couldn't take it anymore! I ripped off the key, locked the box and threw the key out the window into the forbidden forest. It hurt to look through the box. So I didn't. I went back to sleep. I woke up the next day and it was a Saturday. I went downstairs and saw Victorie and that Flax boy snogging in the corner of the common room. I was way too tired to deal with that bullshit. I had backs under my eyes and my hair was darker than usual. I darkened my hair to a navy when I was upset and it had been like that for the past year.

"Hey! Do you think you could take that somewhere else, it's seven in the morning and nobody wants to see that." I said, fed up of seeing that.

"Watch your mouth Lupin" Flax answered.

"Focus on where your own mouth should be, Flax!"

"Shut it Teddy!" Victorie yelled.

I looked at her in shock, we may of not spoken in a while but I didn't expect her to turn on me the way she did, nothing could prepare me for what she said next.

"Just because you're miserable doesn't mean I should be, yeah, we know, your parents are dead but you need to get over that! Just because you aren't happy doesn't mean I always have to help you" She yelled. My hair went black and it wasn't even intentional. Ace heard the noise and cane running downstairs.

Victorie had her hand clasped over her mouth as if she had only just realised what she had said. Flax had a sick look on his face and Ace hadn't noticed the colour of my hair yet.

"What's going on?" Ace asked.

"Ask them" I said, pointing at the two and then walking out.

I heard Ace screaming at them and then I walked off to the graveyard and rested against dad's grave. I pulled on the grass and I knew I was alone so I let the tears fall out my eyes. I knew this was when I had to let her go. Then a new girl came to school. Her name was Lexi and she was immediately nice to me and she was out in Gryffindor. She had dirty-blonde hair and green eyes. I started developing feelings for her and when I asked her out she said yes! We went on a few dates before becoming official and Victorie always had some sick look on her face.

She came up to me one day when I was just sat down reading. She had stopped speaking in French because apparently her boyfriend didn't like it.

"Who's that girl you're always with?" She asked me when I was just trying to mind my own damn business.

"You mean Lark, or Lexi?" I asked

"The blonde"

"Lexi, my girlfriend."

"She doesn't seem right to me"

"Why do you care? I mean last time I checked you have a boyfriend, let me have a girlfriend, you told me to be less miserable and here I am" I pointed to my hair which was now back to original blue I had it.

"Okay fine, sorry for trying to look out for you." She said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"You're forgiven" I answered. She scoffed and walked off to her dorm. I carried on reading my book and then realised it was almost night. I ran off to the shrieking shack and got myself ready. I made sure the door was locked and stayed calm.

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