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I got off the train and walked through the teacher's entrance. Merlin I had wanted to go through that entrance for a long time. Slughorn has retired and I was taking his place as head of Slytherin.

McGonagall got up and went to do a few announcements. She welcomed me the new first years, introduced me and spoke about all the quidditch games and everything like that. We sorted the new students and the prefects took them to their common rooms.

Golder showed me to my classroom which was a complete mess and I fixed it immediately. It was my first class the next morning and it was a lot to process. It wasn't long before I was on first name terms with the teachers.

"So, Draco, what about you and Harry?" Alexa (Golder) asked.

"Well we're engaged" I answered

"That's lovely Draco, but you're only nineteen." Minerva mentioned

I shrugged. I didn't know how I knew he was right I just did.

Well we should probably be going. She was right. I headed over to the aurors department to pick Harry and Ron up. I ended up just apparating instead of getting Sagitta, since Harry and Ron were shit at apparition. Ron headed back to his parents house and Harry and I went back to Malfoy Manor. We got back and Harry said he had a great day and so did I.

We went up to my room and I had just finished leading different student names before getting in bed with Harry and going to sleep. I woke up early the next day and Harry had already gone. I apparated to Hogwarts for my first class and waited in my classroom. I saw the first year students outside my door and I let them in. They already knew my name and I gave them an example of how to create Veritaserum. Overall they did really well and knew exactly what they were doing. I told them I would have their results by the next lesson and they all went off to herbology. I started to look at all of the different cauldrons and they had done pretty well. I looked through them and there were the odd few that didn't really work but it was brilliant for their first try. I had another class in a couple of hours but I got a knock at my door. I opened it and it was Luna. I let her in.

"I need your help" she said

"As a brother or as a professor?" I asked


I sat down and so did she.

"What's the matter, Luna?" I asked

"I've been having nightmares, really bad ones, of Lucius. I didn't tell mother because I didn't want her to worry about me"

"Luna, I went through the same thing. When I did, I stopped sleeping, I don't want you to do that. I want you to go and find Ginny, or somebody that you really trust. I know you trust me but I can't be with you all the time, your friends can. I want you to go and find them and talk to them. They can help."

"Thanks, Brother" she said and walked out.

When she was three she had began just calling me Brother. It hurt to remember the day she was taken. It was almost time for my next class so I let them all in. I was practicing Felix Felicis or Liquid Luck with them. I told them to turn it in after and if any of them were caught stealing any for a quidditch game it was detention without Filch for a month. From experience, nobody wanted to do that.

It was time to head back to Malfoy Manor so I quickly apparated back home and Harry was already home. I went up to him and hugged him from behind. He giggled which was absolutely adorable and I went outside to feed Sagitta. I walked back inside and Harry was clearly bored. I took him outside with me to walk through the Orchard. He seemed to be enjoying it. He was looking up at the stars and he stopped when we got to the lake in the middle of the Orchard. He was staring down into the water and was just dropping pebbles in.

It was getting late so I took his hand and led him inside. I took him up to our room and he changed into clothes that were actually his for once. He went to bed and quickly fell asleep. I got into bed, put my arm around his wait and drifted off.

We woke up and we had to get going. Harry changed and apparated and I did the same. I saw Luna and asked her about the nightmares. She said she was doing better after she told Ginny but she still needed more help. I remembered how much I had studied occulemency. I spoke to Minerva and she said she would tell me if a student needed an occulemency session.

I gave my first year class their results and they all seemed pleased about it. I had a few more classes after that and Ginny was in my last one. She congratulated me for the engagement on her way out and I thanked her. Nothing exiting happened that day. When I got home Harry left a note saying he would be a little late so I decided to make his dinner for when he got back. I just made a pizza and Teddy ran down. I started to go over all his reading and his speaking was pretty fluent. He was doing brilliantly. I felt quite tired and after Teddy had fallen asleep while he was reading and he had his head on my shoulder. I slowly ended up falling asleep as well.

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