A couple of years later

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Hey, so I know you're all probably really mad at me for making Rosa a Death Eater and then killing off Tristan, Flint and Narcissa. HOWEVER, if beloved characters don't die, is it even Harry Potter related? So, I'm sorry, but we needed some sort of plot twist.

ALSO...how did I get 1k reads?!



A few years later and I was about to start my first year of Hogwarts. Draco was still broken from his mother's death but he was just as kind as he was before and Harry helped him through all of it. I looked at my godfather and said bye to him then I turned to Draco and said;

"Rendez-vous en potions" (see you in potions)

"See you there" he answered.

I got on the train and Draco apparated off. Harry went to go and find Ron so they could go to work and then look after his three adopted children. They were adopted at birth but knew they weren't biology related. They were named by Harry and Draco as well.

The oldest was James Sirius Malfoy-Potter, then his younger brother Albus Severus Malfoy-Potter and the youngest was Lily Narcissa Malfoy-Potter. James was ten, Albus was four and Lily was two. They had all been adopted separately from birth but they were all from the same mother who just didn't want to look after them. I sat on the train, alone and unbothered. I didn't really need friends, did I? I pulled out a book and then Lola walked past with Camilla and Sebastian. She said hi and I said hi back.

The train stopped and I got onto a boat with a blonde girl. We didn't talk. We just got onto to the boat and rowed to the castle. We got off and walked into the castle. Draco was sat at the head's table with Luna, McGonagall and Golder. They called several names and then it was my turn. I went up. The sorting hat muttered:

"A Lupin I see, I feel, hope, pain, bravery and loyalty, much loyalty. HUFFLEPUFF"

I got up and sat with the rest of them without making conversation. I didn't make conversation with my dorm mate or my fellow Hufflepuffs or any Slytherins or Gryffindors or Ravenclaws. Well, until my roommate spoke to me. His name was Ace.

"Hey, Teddy, have you seen my tie?"

"No, but I have a spare one, here" I answered and gave it to him.

"Thanks, can I ask you something?"


"Why don't you ever talk to people?"

"I don't know, I just feel like, well my dads best friend betrayed him and his other best friends and I guess that sort of gives me...trust issues?"

"I see what you mean, but we're in Hufflepuff, we're all really loyal."

"I guess so, hey we're gonna be late, we should get going."

"Yeah, lets go"

And that was how I met one of my best friends. We hung out everyday and got detention at least twice a month. It sucked, but well worth it. We made friends with a Slytherin girl called Lark. We hung out for a while before meeting another boy from second year Slytherin called Jackson. About a month into the year we were all inseparable and we got the nickname 'Junior Marauders' I was proud of that considering my father WAS a marauder. McGonagall had given me access to the shrieking shack for a full moon which was helpful. I went there just to hang out by myself sometimes.

One day when we were just hanging out together and then I saw a really tall tree.

"Hey guys...Do you dare me to climb that tree?" I asked.

"No Teddy" Lark answered.

"Teddy don't do it" Jackson started.

"Do it."  Ace declared.

"Okay... Oh My GoD gUyS I cAn'T bElIvE yOu'Re MaKiNg mE dO tHiS" I said.

"We AREN'T" Lark screamed

"DON'T DO IT" Jackson added.

"SCALE THAT BITCH, TED!" Ace shrieked.

I took off my robes and shoved them into Ace's arms. Then I took a running jump and grabbed onto the first branch and pulled myself onto the next branch. The class gathered round and I kept on climbing. The I got to the top and then screamed "Accio broom" before jumping down and landing on Harry's old firebolt that he gave me for Christmas. I got down and got a few pats on the back from Lark, Jackson and Ace but once we got out of the crowd we were met with McGonagall.

"Good job junior marauders. You've all just scored yourselves another detention." Then she walked off. I promised to buy them all butter beers if they forgave me, and they did. I forgot to mention- It was McGonagall who nicknamed us the Junior Marauders. Then everybody joined in on the trend.

We all sat in detention for an hour and just got on with homework. After that I had to get off to the shrieking shack. I got ready for a painful transition from human to wolf. I made sure that the door was locked and then I let myself change into a werewolf. I can never remember anything that happens when when I change. I just wake up the next day. I changed into my uniform. I got to school and met up with the others. We hung out for a while and then got to potions. I was pretty good at it, considering I lived with a potions teacher. He taught me everything he knew. I came top of the class and got a few sneers from a couple of jealous Ravenclaws. We left the class and Draco stopped me before I left. "Victorie's moving to Hogwarts." I thanked him for letting me know. I knew her as Luna and Ginny's niece and she was really pretty. I had met her a couple of times and was quite exited to see her again. I caught up with the others and told them everything.

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