Chapter 1: Cinderella, Meet your Prince, The Hunter

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The sun was shining into a room yet the rays could not reach the sleeping beauty that hid her head from the burning light. Only the alarm going off is what causes her to growl and turn over, disturbing the chi-weenie that slept under the blankets by her. “Sorry to disturb your beauty sleep Abby, but I gotta get up. Come on; let’s go get some coffee then we can get dressed before Jamie comes home to watch you while I am at work.” Yawns the girl, whose blonde hair was interrupted by a bright teal streak in her hair. She had just finished making a big pot of coffee when her phone goes off, alerting her that her best friend, Jamie, was going to be late coming home from her mom’s the night before.

“Looks like it is just you, me and YouTube this morning, Abby.” The girl states as she then pours a bowl of cereal she had hidden from her roommates, Jamie (Ja) and Sophie, for the longest. As she poured a bowl, she began humming to the Tune of “Waiting for Superman” when someone loudly knocked on the front door, causing her to jump and become angry, realizing her coffee was spilled everywhere. “You better be a millionaire wanting to pay for a cup of coffee for me and for all my bills.” She growled loudly and Abby barked, obvious that the knock had wakened her up from her nap on the love seat.

The girl opens the door and is met with her friend, obviously drunk and then a tall man who looked like a super model. His eyes were a chocolate brown and his hair was scruffy and pasted his ear a bit but was still stylish. He was in a pair of blue jeans, a “Metallica” T-shirt and an over-size hoodie, smiling apologetic at the shorter girl. “Ummm….I believe she lives here, Correct?” He voices, breaking the girl out of her trance, causing her to nod. “Yeah…Thanks.” The girl says, as she looks at her drunken friend, obviously upset. “Jamie, what the hell were you thinking? You should not drink and then try to come home, crazy girl.” The blonde shakes her head as the drunk Jamie tackles her to the ground, causing Abby to bark.

 The male to help them both up as Jamie tries to talk, slurred. “But…Harlow…I am not that *Hic* that…*Hic* Drunk!” Jamie yells before puking in the nearby sink, earning a sympathetic smile from the male and a head shake from Harlow. “Thanks for bringing her back. She can get crazy if she gets too drunk. I’m Harlow Foster, Are you a friend of Jamie?” Harlow says as she invites the male in, now slightly embarrassed about what she was wearing. Harlow enjoys sleeping in her favorite black hoodie and a pair of black running shorts so she was not dressed for any company. “Not really, I just found her wandering around the Frat house nearby and figured I give her a ride home…Wait, did you say Foster? Are you anyway related to a Ashley Foster that attended Stanford this past semester?” He inquires as Harlow makes herself a new cup of coffee and offers some to the male.

“Yeah, she is my older sister. She is there and about to graduate with her Bachelor’s, why do you ask?” Harlow retorts, feeling protective of Ash. She was her sister after all and if he is trying to hook up with her, Harlow will want to give him an earful. “I know your sister. She took a senior level Psychology class to fulfill her Social Studies class. She may not talk about me that much but I am Sam Winchester. It’s nice to finally meet you, Harlow. Ashley talks about you often.” Sam says as he drinks some of the coffee Harlow made for him. She looked slightly confused, thinking before remembering how Ashley, her older sister, used to speak about him and another guy, Brandon, sometimes. “I hope it is good at least. She and I didn’t exactly leave on good terms, if you get what I mean.” Harlow states matter-of-factly as she drinks her strong coffee.

“Ashley did seem kinda upset when she came back this semester but she kept saying that it was her fault. Mind telling me what happened?” Sam asks as he sits at the bar stool of their counter and Harlow finishes pouring her cereal. “Look, what happened between Ashley and I is our problems. It’s just… Ashley doesn’t have a damn back bone and refuses to tell James Davidson, her idiotic and abusive asshole of a boyfriend, that she wants to be single all because Matthew threatened to take away any funding she got for college. So, I told her off and then told off Davidson. Long story short, she was given a huge lecture from the ‘rents and I was rewarded by covering a black eye she was given by his abusive ass.” Harlow spats out as she eats her chocolate cereal. She will admit, telling her problems to someone like Sam, it was…different. He was kind and he did know Ashley, one of her “friends” and possibly the best secret holder she had growing up.

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