Part Five:Oh....shit

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"What were you doing in there Adam?" Jesse says curious but pissed off at the same time.

"Ummm...." Adam says trying to find a excuse.

"He was checking up on me. I'm better now though. Don't worry about it Jesse." I say. I feel like it was a good excuse and it should work. Jesse gives me a look that says we'll talk about it later. I dismiss the thought for now and think about Adam. I need to talk to my friends and tell them about Adam and I. And how will I tell Jesse? Hopefully he'd be okay with me being with Adam. The thing is, I know Adam's cheated with ex girlfriends of his. His most recent ex girlfriend,Behati and him just split a couple of months ago because he said he got drunk and cheated. I actually did like Behati. She was so sweet and I was sorta sad when he said he had broken up with her. I did despise Adam for a little bit since Behati was like the sister I never had.

When I'm about to get on the elevator someone pulls me back. I go to smack the person.

"OW!" Jesse screams. Usually peoples immediate reaction is to say sorry but ME...ha! Nope. Mine is to laugh and that's what I do.

"Um we'll meet you guys downstairs." Jesse says to everyone else on the elevator. Once the elevator door closes and they start going downstairs Jesse starts to get pissed.

"I know Adam slept with you last night. It's obvious. I mean...I'm sure you did more than sleep. Actually you probably didn't sleep. Right?" Jesse says really pissed. I've seen him pissed but now...he's really pissed. I've never seen him like this.

" happened...I didn't mean for it to happen." I say trying to act all sorry but I'm really not. It was one of the best nights.

"Okay. I just don't wanna see you get hurt again. Especially by Adam."

"Don't worry Jesse I won't." I actually don't know if it'll happen or not. To be honest Adam has cheated on a lot of people. I just hope not...

"You better be okay. Okay so case closed on this topic. didn't have to slap me in the face!" Jesse whines once again. We both laugh hysterically and then after our laughing fit,we go downstairs to the other guys and girls. Apparently we're going to the Statue of Liberty. Adam and I walk hand in hand. I get occasional smiles from my friends and the other guys. When Jesse looks he gives me a big smile and a wink. Jesse's always has been a great brother. He's always respected my choices. And I love my brother for that.

Hey guys! It's Rachel here and I hope you're liking the story so far! Thanks for the reads. Now if you like you can participate in this question. I want to know more about everyone who reads this. So my question is....who's your celebrity crush? Of course mine's Adam Levine or David Tennant. Thanks guys! Love you! :D

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