how it all began ::

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Sitting with classy, sassy, nice, chill WAGs, and drinking coffee with classy, sassy, nice, chill WAGs really gets you good information.

And they'd talk about ships too. You know. The type where you put two people together. Yeah, those types of ships. Not battleships. And sometimes you'd hear them talk about shipping Thomas Müller, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Lukas Podolski, Mario Götze - it's just really weird when the word ship comes out of their mouths. But the worst has yet to come. The WAGs obviously move from Schweinski to Gotzeus real quick, because they all eye Amelia from time to time to see what priceless reactions she has plastered on her face.

"Amelia, has Marco told you anything about Mario?" What? Yeah, he even murmurs his name in his sleep; what do you want to know?

"No, rarely." Amelia give Ann-Kathrin a little smile as she forks up some more cheesecake. Damn, this was delicious.

"I heard you were preparing Mario gifts everyday until Christmas, Ann-Kathrin." Someone in the table blurted.

"Yup, although I'm not telling anyone at this table what each of them are!" She laughs and Amelia feels completely out of it; as if she doesn't belong with these beautiful WAGs, of whom she was now wondering if they were humans at all. They go back to their own conversations as Amelia's phone cries a notification in her pocket. A little thumbnail of Marco Reus popped next to the message and she creaked a little smile.

"How's the girl's lunch out? Btw, happy advent."

Shit, she had already forgotten it was the first Sunday before Christmas. And after that thought, she had even forgotten to reply his message and decided to leave him hanging, for good reasons.

Amelia excused herself with the WAGs and went around the mall. Malls in Germany during Christmas was festive, and when people say festive, it literally means festive. People storm into chocolate shops like it's McDonalds in America, and that's pretty impressive. Amelia was no model, and not that tall - but anyone would feel small next to this huge Christmas tree they put up in the mall. Dead in the center of everything.

She had already forgotten her purpose here at the mall after debating or not to ride the choo-choo train on the first floor, mentally scolding herself for having such an idiotic thought and doing it anyway.

She makes her way up back to the second floor and checks her wallet for cash or whatever item of value she could find. Amelia took out a black credit card, staring at it immensely. Well, this baby is going to get swiped a lot tonight.

The first store she visited sold ties. And let anyone tell you this - Marco hates ties.

And guess what? She was going to get him his worst enemy. Amelia stepped inside and was immediately greeted by a scent of slight female perfume and strong male cologne, but not enough to cover the entirety of the air.

"Hi, Miss. May I help you?" The shopowner gave Amelia a huge smile. And from a small distance, anyone could smell that he was the one with the strong cologne.

"I'm looking for a thin, black tie for my boyfriend."

"Okay, and what is the tie for? Any occasions?"

"Uh," she hesitated for a split second. "No, just casual usage." The owner nodded, and left to the backroom which was draped with a piece of transparent curtain.

A moment later, he returns to his exact spot, right in front of her, his arm now extended in the direction of the back. "Miss, if you would just follow me to the glass counter - I have several styles for you to choose from. And if you show a picture of your boyfriend, perhaps I can see which style would fit his look best." Amelia followed the shopowner to the middle of the store, where his wife, a mid-aged woman stood, her elbow resting on this glass counter he spoke of. "Here are some black skinny ties we have." The owner pointed to the first one. "This one has fine texture, and it's made from the softest silk..."

He went on for some time, but she didn't get it. "Um," Amelia interrupted. "Is it alright if I just show you his picture? I honestly know nothing about this." Amelia then tapped the passcode to unlock her phone, and went into the DCIM file where she had saved bunch of photos with Marco in it, all from tumblr. She handed her Galaxy over to show them Marco's face; that photo was one of her own favorites. His hair was in a state of light brown perfection, and he was completely facing the press in a serious face.

"Miss, that's in no way your boyfriend..." The owner's wife chipped in. "That's a famous footballer. I understand when girls have fantasies, but-" She cut herself off, and placed her hand on her head, which was now shaking in disapproval.

"No, Ma'am... That is my boyfriend. I mean, I got that photo off a social media, but he is my boyfriend. I'll show you..." Amelia now flip back a file to Camera and the first photo on it is Marco and her awkward self at an annual dinner party with his management, with cameras flashing all around. Anyone could tell it was recent, because his cast was still on his foot and he had to hold her almost the whole entire night to get around. The woman seemed convinced.

"I see, so you guys have been dating for a month. That's why you're not crazy in the news yet." Amelia had no choice but to nod at her summarization. "Well, I feel like this tie would fit him most." The red-haired woman had picked up the third tie off the counter and placed it on my palm, which was now fully extended. The tie was light, and almost slid off my hand as I was holding it.

Without question, she replied: "I'll take it." And there goes 150€.

Amelia went on the next shop to buy him a small Dortmund plush toy. And then a Bayern Munich scarf in the very same store.

She smiled at the thoughts of Marco's reactions. Although Amelia wasn't exactly sure if she was asking for death or a kiss at the end of the day - but maybe both would work.

Amelia continues shopping around for 25 perfect gifts as the mall begins to empty and lights completely shut down from the outside; only the Christmas lights of red, green, blue, yellow and white could be seen. She knew she had to get home before Marco, and that was probably the most difficult challenge of the day.


Guys, I really appreciate feedbacks and votes, whichever it may be. I'm not even settled on which POV to write in at the moment, so I'm still a bit lost. I'm still busy and flying around with all of my work, it's a little hectic. So please, if you would just leave feedback on the story, it would be greatly appreciated.

Countdown to Christmas. :: Marco Reus.Where stories live. Discover now