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Followed in the morning by strange fans was...strange. Not only was this not made public to the media, none of the fans should know about this relationship as of yet.

Amelia turned back on her heels and looked behind her. Nothing was there, everything was still. Even the trees stopped moving, and the winds stopped blowing. She walked further and again, someone was there behind her. Amelia was no longer going to wait. She turned around and stared into the emptiness.

Nothing again. "I'll give you Marco's autograph card if you come out."

The leaves shuffled a bit before a young teen, no older than 20 stepped out of her ambush. "Sorry," she brushed the leaves off her hair. "I saw you and my I thought..."

"This isn't appropriate to do, you know... I hope you do know that stalking is a serious conviction." The girl placed her hands in front of her.

"I'm so sorry! Please don't call the police on me! I mean no harm! I don't have any weapons! I just love Marco Reus, and I want to meet him! He's the reason why I stopped cutting and went to school!" The teen took out her phone and showed Amelia her wallpaper.

Marco on the lock screen. Marco on the home screen. Marco everywhere.

The girl sheepishly smiled at Amelia.

"I understand it though. I was infatuated with Marco before we started dating. Not all the fans can be like me. And I do feel lucky. What's your name?"

"I'm Emmanuelle! You can call me Elle though! And yes, you're very lucky! I wish I could meet him! That's why I followed you, I'm sorry though." Elle bowed her head several times.

"It's alright. If you really want to meet Marco... I can take yo-"

"Will you really!?" Amelia nodded. "Oh my god, thank you!" Elle grabbed Amelia's hands into her own cold ones. "I check his instagram, but he doesn't update it as often to let fans see where he is."

"I got this part." Amelia pulled her phone out as Elle stood in front of her. She began debating inside her head whether or not this was a good idea. But honestly, bringing a girl to Signal Iduna Park wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Amelia sent a quick message to Marco asking for his location, hoping to get a reply quickly so they could get out of this cold. Especially Elle. She was already freezing and was still wearing ragged clothes, as if she was in poverty and couldn't afford anymore than what she was wearing.

Amelia was taken back when her phone rang. Thank goodness Marco replied quickly.

My Love ♡ (10:45): I'm busy @ physical therapy for my comeback at the end of month. Do you need something???

Me (10:46): I want to show you something and someone. Can I get there to you?

My Love ♡ (10:50): Can this wait until I come home?

Me (10:51): I'm sorry, but not really. I miss you though. I have someone special I want to show you. I love love love love love you.

My Love ♡ (10:52): I'll send u the address in a sec

Ha. Mission succeeded. Elle looked up at Amelia with curiosity. "If I can't meet him, that's okay. I'll just get tickets for their open training when Marco returns!"

"You're going!" Elle gasped. "To see Marco!" Elle grabbed Amelia's hands and jumped in joy.

Amelia would never forget this scene.


Amelia had also went home to grab the fourth gift and tossed it in the back of her car. This would probably the best gift, as he played it once with three of his other teammates.

With that, Elle and Amelia drove to the address Marco had sent to her phone exactly a moment later. The physical therapy office was within Signal Iduna Park, but going through security would be the worst part of it all.

No one knew her except for Marco's teammates, and what is the chance that Erik, Mats or someone popped up at the lobby?

0% is correct.

And here Amelia was standing, battling through eye contact with the receptionist. Obviously, the receptionist gave her a hard time and she was finally irritated.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm here with permission from Marco Reus?"

"Mr. Reus hasn't regarded that with us, and we cannot let you through." Amelia groaned.

"For the last time, you call Marco. He's in physical therapy right now." The receptionist was not convinced, but did what she was told. She must have been scolded or something because her face turned pale and kept saying 'Ja' and 'Danke'.

A minute later, her arm gestured Amelia to the security who then led her to the room, with Elle looking amazed and mesmerized by everything around her. The room opened like a fresh new book, and Marco was sitting there on a bicycle machine and riding it slowly; a pained emotion was also painted on his face in the meantime.

Though that was quickly turned into a smile as he was helped off the machine and slowly limped over to Amelia, placing a kiss on her forehead and curling her brown hair to the back of her ear. It was then that he noticed Elle crying.

"Who's that?" Marco asked, eyeing Amelia strangely.

"That's Elle, and she's a huge fan of yours. You are her inspiration, and I thought I'd fulfill her wish of meeting you." Amelia pushed Elle toward Marco, who's hand was in an outreach.

"Nice to meet you, Elle. I'm Marco but I'm pretty sure you know that already... Is there anything you want me to sign for you? Or a photo?" Elle nodded furiously, tears still drowning her lovely blue orbs. Elle brought forward her school notebook, which was almost torn in shreds. Marco opened his own marker, squeezing the black cap between his mouth and scribbling some things on the notebook. It almost took up the entire page.

Marco then leaned in to hold Elle in the photo. His arm was around her shoulders, and it was a warm image between a footballer and a fan.


The polaroid photo came out, all in white with black borders. Elle gasped in surprise, as if she had never seen it before. "Nothing is on it!" Marco took her hand and started waving the polaroid picture. The colors started showing as Elle let out another gasp, then a laugh.

They let Elle tour around with a security as Amelia stayed with Marco during the remainder of the therapy session. As it came to an end, the therapist and his assistant stepped out, motioned by Amelia herself.

"Wha-" Marco was hushed by Amelia's index finger as she sat on his lap.

"This is your fourth present."

"I don't see it anywhere? Is it you? Well, I'll be happy-" Amelia shook her head.

"No! It's something you've enjoyed with your teammates." Marco had no clue what it was as he kept on guessing. Amelia pulled out the flat package from behind her as she hit him lightly on the head. "Here you go."

Marco teared the package open, as his eyes widen again. "I thought you would get me PES! But this is just as great! Now I can play with my teammates online on FIFA!" Marco's arms wrapped tightly around Amelia's waist, a familiar scene for the last three days.

"Thank you!" Marco smiled, and started to dance around limping his injured foot a bit and holding his FIFA 15. Amelia shook her head and joined him in his silliness.

She took this chance to kiss him as she was held tightly against the glass window.

This time, they both knew what they wanted to say:

"happy advent day four."

Countdown to Christmas. :: Marco Reus.Where stories live. Discover now