41° When Searching For The key To Life

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When Searching for the Key to Life,
We need to remember several things.


We can be in a maze
With hundreds of possible ways and corridors.
Yet, in the end, we all reach the target
But at different times.
Regardless, we all reach.


At the end of the maze, we rejoice
Before beholding the next locked door.
Is that the perfect moment to weep?
Is that the right moment to surrender?
Our heads spin in a dilemma in the middle of a dark night
With not a voice but the thuds of our beating hearts,
And just as we hurl away our hopes,
The moonlight shatters the darkness,
And you walk in.
The surprise was to figure out the door was never locked.
It just needed the two of us to push it a little harder.
I never thought the cracking of an old door
Could ever redeem me with satisfaction.


"Is that the right moment to surrender?"
You're reminding me of my horrifying thoughts.
I hated how reality struck me hard
When I heard you speak out the storm swirling in my head.
I'll never forget when you said:
"The thuds of your beating heart shall remain the hymn in your battles."


I lead astray in the midst of the road once again.
I forgot who I was.
I lost the name tag I was carrying around.
To face the world, I used a name I once saw on a grave.
Anyway, I'd be there in a day or two.
It doesn't even matter.
Again, you figured my hidden truth.
There's always that person in our lives
Who shows up just as our minds erupt,
And the lava flows restlessly.
You showed up,
Reminding me of my bygone soul
That I've left behind earlier.

I couldn't be more grateful...

I couldn't be more grateful

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