The Story Behind "Senescence"

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Stanza Number 1 starts off in a very dark way,

"I've grown senescent over the years,
My dull hair receding with my grim fears.
I sip on my crimson agony,
Intoxication drenching me
As I ponder over my bygone glee.
The sky weeps, prescinded by my tears."

It says I'm growing older due to my depression and irrational fears. It's more of a metaphorical style I approached to symbolize depression, more like alcohol (line 4) which makes me grow older (lines1 and 2).

Then in stanza 2," The stars conspired to thwart
Any ambition from a flawed heart,"

It would refer to all my peers (stars) trying to put me down and shatter my dreams by focusing on my flaws.

"But can't you see that stars are nothing but a fib
For we maneuver around them in a tenebrous trip,"

Here, I wasn't literally referring to fib as a lie but more of saying "my peers are mocking my flaws, but they are flawed themselves. But at a moment of despair, you might give up your dreams and aims to fit in without realizing we already threw away the light (our dreams)" and that shows up when I said "tenebrous trip", or a dark life without an aim or dreams (symbolized by light).

The climax here is those lines, which indicate a profound change.
"But our planetary souls have averted from their grip.
But to subsist among constellations, realization ought to be the start."

Here, I referred metaphorically to "souls" as "planets". It's more like saying, "I broke free from the bullying and stood up for myself." That's exactly how a planet (my soul) may stop orbiting around the sun (a star and from earlier, stars referred to my peers)
In the last line, "realization" for me would take several phases: realizing my worth, accepting my flaws, and loving myself.

The next stanza is more like the timeline of my life.

"Born a dwarf planet; utter tranquility."
When we are born, we care about nothing, which refers to peace.

" Burned like a luminous star; palpable valour."

Then, with my ambition, I started gaining fame and recognition." Valour" literally means bravery, but here, I'd refer to it in a way or another: escaping your comfort zone and craving for more dreams without thinking of the consequences.

"Inhumed a covert notion; an attempt to consistency."

Upon the "stars" (peers) conspiring to put me down, I tried to hurl away my dreams to become accepted. This an elaboration to the line above saying, "For we maneuver around them in a tenebrous trip."

"A brick over another to build an armour."
That's the start of "realization", realizing my worth, accepting my flaws, and loving myself.

"Grown to a tedious planet; carbon copies of perfection."

I've seen my peers (stars) becoming perfect from all their perspectives. They all follow the same trend, and that's too dull for me.

"Conflagrant, hankering for a novel orbit."

So, I tried my best to stand out, and that's mentioned in "novel orbit"

"Exploded with all might; aroused envy within stars,
And that's the story for their conspiracy to eradicate my orbit."

To stars (my peers), I was different and they feared my power, so they tried to put me down. Here, the first stanzas are justified.

"But dear me, my beloved stars, you're the luminous spark to my parallel universe."

You're probably wondering why I'd call my bullies "beloved". They really did a tremendous job (luminous spark) to empower my soul and enlighten my mind in an indirect way. I'd rather refer to the "Parallel universe" as my soul and mind.

"I'd rather not call it senescence, but my behest to eradicate monotony."

Before anything, get back to the title. "Senescence."
Senescence means growing too old. So here, I showed the change in my mentality over the years. At first, I thought I was "senescent" and close to death as I endured more agony, but right now I realized this agony might be bestowed (gifted) from God to me to arise everlasting dreams within me and stand out.
Literally, the stanza means "my command to get rid of boring yet repeating notions."

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