Chapter 1: Introduction

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A/N That's Kat's outfit.

Katniss' POV
Do you ever feel like nothing you do matters, you leave footprints on the beach and tomorrow there gone. Like it's just today over again. They say your teen years are for making friends and having fun, which made me feel even worse. Currently I'm at smart-aid with my older brother Jacob, when some people in his year at high school go over to the adult diapers where Jake is currently stacking them. Jake being jake tried saying hi to one of them "Hey Amy, it's me Jake I'm in your maths class" I rolled my eyes at his failed attempt to talk to this 'Amy'. When they were leaving I heard one of the girl bullies "looks like loser boy is babysitting goth girl" that made snap how dare they talk about my brother or me that way "At least I don't dress like a hooker" then one of the boys said "Piss off Wednesday Adams" and they began walking away when I shout "Arsoles" giving them the middle finger hoping no one saw but to late shelly saw just as she was coming through the door "Home time for you two". When I'm in Shelly's car I say "Thanks for the ride shelly" but she simply nods. When almost at grampa's house I hear Jake on the phone to grampa looking rather worried. Once off the phone shelly says "God bless him, what's his deal? Altsimers?" (A/N I don't know how to spell it) "Dementia" Jake answers. Once at Grampa's house he see a creepy looking guy a few houses down. "Holler if you two need me" shelly says as we go into the house. Not seeing grampa we go out to the back door and see it broken I shout out for shelly saying "Shelly, someone broke in" she shouts back "stay there I've gotta 38 in my car" I turn and see Jake going towards a broken fence in Grampa's back yard. Deciding it best to follow Jacob I do so, when in the forest I see Grampa's body on the ground "GRAMPA" I yell running towards him with Jacob following behind. Me and jake are at Grampa's side on the floor jake moves grampa Abe to look up. I gasp in shock when i see his eyes missing. Calling 911 I say "911, this is an emergency I need a ambulance at 2040 parm circle. Its my Grandfather he ha-" when I was about to finish Grampa grabbed my arm saying "you have to get away from here, please listen go to the island, find Emerson. The postcard. Go to the loop, September 3rd 1943" I say "it's okay the paramedics are on there way" grampa says "I know you two think I'm crazy but the bird will explain everything. Will you do this tygrys, Wojownik. Promise me" I wisper "we promise" grampa finished "I thought I could protect you Jake, Kat. I should have told you both years ago". Then he stops breathing. Me and Jake turn around when we hear shelly coming and I see tall beast pale as the full moon in ripped clothes with tentacles coming from his mouth and eyeless then suddenly Jacob yells "Shelly behind you" then she turns on the spot and begins firing shots at the monster after a few seconds she goes back to us. When mum and dad got there they took me and Jake home then explained that it could have been wild dogs before sending us to bed. The next week was worse they all acted as if Jacob and I are vases that can shatter at any moment but what made me feel worse was everyone on the street knows so pretty much the whole school thinks I'll have a mental breakdown any time something slightly bad happens so I've basically been home schooled for the past two weeks. But now I'm being forced to go back to school as my therapist says it will be good for me and I'm taking her advice as I've known Violet for a bit more than four years as I met her when I was 9 and 7 months old in my final year in elementary school since only then did my parents find out about the voices in my head which by fifth grade I'd had since I was about 4 maybe 5. Anyway despite them assuming it was my conscious I still believe it to be other peoples thoughts.

A/N Sorry its so short I'll try to make them longer.

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