Chapter 4

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Kat's POV.
Jake and I have managed to get to the loop, you see though I haven't told Jacob after today I'm staying there permanently since I talked to Miss Peregrine before leaving yesterday and she gas given me permission to stay. I put my bag over my shoulders as we go through the loop to the house where we are greeted by Bronwyn, as we go to the kitchen Jake begins arguing with Miss Peregrine about this letter he took yesterday and read despite me telling him not to. When she refuses to tell us we are met by Enoch and Olive, after speaking Enoch takes us upstairs to what I presume to be Victor's room as Olive tries to stop him before storming off and then Fiona tries to tell him it upsets Bronwyn but he doesn't listen to her despite thinking he doesn't want Bronwyn sad. As we stand there Enoch makes Victor come to life for a few seconds before Jacob runs out of the room, downstairs but I stay there interested by Enoch's peculiarity. When we go out for the walk to a completely abandoned part of island for our walk and after walking in silence for a bit behind the rest I say "You shouldn't have done that" making him say not even looking at me "Why not?", 'Because Jake may be scared of such things but I'm not" I said before continuing "Why do you even hate him, I understand people hating me but why Jacob" and Enoch says "How can I hate the girl I entertained when she was four?". "So, I have been here before" I say in interest, "Yes, we just aren't aloud to tell you. After each visit they'd tell you it was a dream"

I always thought that you wouldn't believe that though. I didn't Enoch, I just... stopped mentioning it.

Maybe now everyone will stop saying Katniss is my girlfriend when they notice this. People say I'm Millard's girlfriend! Why? Why? Why?

Oh oh oh I have to tell Emma later, she'll be sooooo excited. Kenoch is sailing! Kenoch is sailing! We have a ship name! Why do we have a ship name? It's bloody madness!

I wonder why they suddenly so quiet? Those kids when they're quiet the world is ending and now Enoch is talking with... Katniss? And where on earth are Emma and Jacob? Never mind, they probably went to Emma's little hideout.

Honestly I agree with Wyn, Enoch and Kat are adorable! Maybe they can get married! And have one daughter, oh oh and two bunnies for me and Bronwyn to play with! I used to have bunnies I called them Enoch, Claire and Bronwyn, I named them after some of you.

A/N this is purely my headcanons none of it is true.

As we continue walking still far behind the others, Enoch says "Why are walking with me? You don't know anything about me."

"You right. I don't know that when you were nine, your older sister killed herself and you almost did but remembered your younger brother and sister. That you always have time for Claire and Bronwyn since they remind you of your younger sister" I said before continuing "I don't know that Victor reminded you of your brother so when he was killed you became extra protective of Bronwyn, I don't know that when I visited here and was sad you would comfort me for hours because that's who you are. You're kind, protective, use your attitude as a security blanket so no one can hurt you and put everyone before you because you don't believe you deserve that kind of love when in reality you deserve more than anyone".

Enoch looks at me in surprise before saying "When we are back at the house I need to show you something" and I question "Show me what?", "I'll tell you when we're there" he says.

Can't be that bad me showing her them, right? I know she has changed but nobody can change from a five year old always happy to a fifteen year old with attitude problems and who has probably cut herself at least once.

As we stand in his room Hugh runs in saying something about football but I say I'll play with them later and that Enoch is going to show me something.
When everyone is gone Enoch pulls out a box saying "These are pictures of you from each visit and I need you to say what changed that year" then he began when I was three and I say "I began hearing voices" then four, and as I stare at this one I notice at the very background there is a monster, one exactly like the one from the night grandpa died.

I ask "What is that?", "that's a Hollow, I knew you could see them because later that day you pointed it out to me" Enoch says. Then when I was five and against the other years I slowly begin changing, "A couple months before that I began getting bullied" I say quietly as Enoch awkwardly nods "A couple days after that photo I got you to tell me what happened".
I wouldn't have told anyone else, couldn't have told them.
Kat really has changed so much, but maybe I can help her. No one can, not like anyone has tried.

Next me when I was six but instead of blue and white I'm in dungerees (A/n not sure how to spell it) with a black shirt. I say "People didn't like how I dressed so I changed that as well". Then, six, seven, eight and nine, by which time I'm in a Green Day t-shirt and jeans, clearly having grown up too fast. "You last came here when you were nine, why did you stop?" Enoch asks, "Mum and dad found out about the voices so they stopped me from coming here" I answer before finishing woefully "then seven months later they sent me to therapy and I'm still going but now I'm staying here since Miss Peregrine gave permission".

Then up runs Olive saying Miss Avocet is awake so we go downstairs, as we stand their Miss Avocet explains that the Wights are in her loop and that the Hollows got her wards. So Miss Peregrine says for us all to go pack and that I can get spare clothes from one of the empty rooms then we go pack our stuff but I know Jake is planning on going back for some ridiculous reason.

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