Chapter 5

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Kat's POV.
I'm finished packing my things so I go help Enoch when the door bell rings and I slowly walk down the stairs. When we are all here I see a Wight holding a large blade against Jacob's neck and he says to us "Children, can you make your way downstairs please" and after Miss Peregrine tells Me Barron to shut up she asks us to go to the Parlour, and Enoch says "You're sacrificing you and us all for Jacob", Miss Peregrine replies "Mr Barron travels with a hollow Enoch. Once it arrives here we're all dead".

Honestly I'm certain that if we sacrificed Jacob we'd be perfectly fine with him dead, that's always an option and we can kill two birds with one stone.

Then we slowly walk to her as Miss Avocet hides in the Parlour as each of us say goodbye to Miss Peregrine its finally Enoch and I, we just nod then finally Emma and the twins before she locks us in the Parlour. I stand completely still having my hands rest on Claire and Bronwyn's shoulder so if anything happens I can push them behind me.

When Mr Barron pushes Jake in we all lock the windows and Bronwyn pushes the sofas against the doors. When we all have some sort of weapon Miss Avocet is killed by a Hollow and then Enoch runs at before he is hit against the walls and mirrors I shout at Jacob "You son of a Bitch! Shoot that fucking bastard right now! Before I fucking murder you! It has Enoch!"

We send the kids to the top floor when Jake isn't doing anything I pull the crossbow from his hands and shoot the Hollow in the shoulder so it drops Enoch. As Jacob, Enoch and I run from the room the Hollow gets up and comes after us, suddenly I feel Enoch grab my hand pulling me up the rest of the stairs.

When we are in the attic Fiona makes a tree grow longer and we all go out of the windows, as I help Bronwyn I look to my hand and smile slightly since through this entire thing Enoch still has got hold of my hand. As we climb down the tree I see the Hollow and quickly shoot it in the chest as Emma (shoeless) and Jake jump from the roof. We end up on the island waiting for Emma and Jacob, then we go on this boat and begin to head to Blackpool.

Me and Enoch walk to the hallway, standing awkwardly before he says "I've never been close with anyone here so I spend a lot of time watching and what I've observed about you is you are the best friend anyone can ever have maybe it's because you were bullied, or that you never had that love but I think that gives you the greatest capacity for love that I've ever seen". I look at his at beautiful eyes, saying "say that again" and Enoch smiles asking "why? you didn't understand it?"

"No I understand it, say it again, say it fifty times, say it in french" I say but Enoch says "You heard it the first time", and I say "thank you but your wrong, they're the best friends anyone can have". "what I've also noticed about you, the moment Jacob cares about someone else you lose it and act like him to see if Emma is good enough for him, that's why you chose to be different around her" Enoch says, "I was protecting him" I say in confusion.

Enoch nods at me with a slight smile as I say "Enoch, why have you let me hold on to your hand the entire time?" and Enoch says "I don't know, I don't know everything". Then we go with the others to find out what we are going to do, Enoch pushes the doors open and we see Emma and Jacob clearly about to kiss, then after a few minutes we have a plan.

A Few Hours Later *Sponge Bob voice*. - Kat's POV.
I'm waiting outside the ship with Enoch for Jake to tell us when the Hollows and Wights are coming. Jacob runs shouting for us to get the rest and as we go to reanimate the skeletons, I call to the others to begin their part in step one. Enoch makes the skeletons fight the Hollows, then by the end both wights are dead and so are the hollows.

As we go onto part two which is killing the remaining wights, we hide behind the chairs as one of the men tries to hit us with knives, suddenly I see Enoch go and try to hit Barron with his crowbar but Mr Barron hits him flying unconscious.

I run over and some how manage to actually hit Barron across the back of his head with my crowbar which I found on the boat, but the woman throws a knife at me so I fall back and the knife skims my shoulder, then as I look down I see blood but honestly that doesn't bother me too much but it still hurts so as I stumble to my feet I see Horace be pushed to the side by Barran as Jacob and Emma follow after him.

Then I look towards the pool and see one of the men freezing it with Bronwyn in and Fiona runs over wrapping him in vibes. So, I go over and trying not to accidentally hit Bronwyn then I feel a cold hand my shoulder and I try to hit him but he throws it a few feet away.

No one's POV.
Enoch wakes up and sees Katniss being frozen so he pull out a heart from my pocket, his final one making the fake elephant come to life and attack the man freezing her but when the elephant stands on him, squeezing his life away Enoch see Kat fall to the ground.

*two minutes later*
"Katniss! Katniss! I'm so sorry Kat" says Enoch in sorrow "these past days I keep seeing you as the same six year old who cried to me about bullies, and thinking you'll just leave. That I never realised..." before he presses his warm lips to Kat's cold ones before her eyes open and she says "You never realised what?". A smile spreads across Enoch's face and he pulls Katniss into a tight hug not wanting to let go.

*Five minutes later* - Kat's POV.
I'm walking with the others thinking and finally I decide I'm going to see Grandpa then I'll find a way back to Enoch. As I say by to everyone I'm finally at the last four so I pull Bronwyn and Claire into a hug whispering into their ears "When I'm back we are getting bunnies" making them nod excitedly at the news.

Then I'm pulled into a hug by Olive and say "You're the best friend a girl can ever have" and she smiles at me sadly then saying in a type of singing voice "We'll meet again. Don't know where, don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day" before she to goes through the loop and then Enoch so I quickly nod at him as I say "I'm in it for the long game."

He pulls me into a hug then saying goodbye but not until he presses a small kiss to my head. I just sit there with Jake, looking at my phone as it turns 16:30pm and I let a few tears fall wanting to run to him and confess my love but knowing I can't.

*One Year later*
Kat's POV.
I'm running to the front of the ship to find Enoch standing there and with all of the others but ignoring them I pull Enoch into a kiss and he actually kisses me back. When we pull away Enoch smirks "Wait two year."

I shake my head saying, "but-".
Enoch shakes his head so after several arguments I give in and as he holds out his hand I shake it with our hands still connected he says "Long game?" and I reply "Long game".

Long Game? - Enoch O'Connor Where stories live. Discover now