Kingdom Falling

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My name? Prince Kai of the Eastern Kingdom. Otherwise known as the Rise Kingdom. We have been at war with the Western Kingdom, or the Fall Kingdom ever since I made my entrance into the world. Gotta come in with a bang right? The Rise and Fall Kingdom used to be allies, that is until my mother denied the Anima bound between her and the youngest son of the Fall Kingdom.

Anima bounded souls were literally chosen for each other by the gods, and where able to be found on your eighteenth birthday. By refusing you slowly killed both parties like a cancer. The only way to stop it is the accept the bound, or the very small possibility was to find your second Anima mate before your time was up. My mother found my father, King Simon of the Rise Kingdom as her second Anima mate, but the young prince Gael had died. Sadly my mother hadn't been able to regain her health, and died shortly after I was born.

King Fall, as he demands to be called, warred with my Kingdom. Until one night on my fourteenth birthday....

"Ha ha my boy! I finally got to name you my heir to the throne!" My father said as he slammed his large hand into my smaller frame. I was part fae and well... "I can't wait until we see your wolf!" I was a rare combination of werewolf and fae. My father was the king of the wolves and the king of Rise. Mostly shifters, fairy, and a few dawn walkers made Rise their homes. Fall was home to spirit walkers, vampires, and witches for the most part.

"Dad..." I said straightening the silver vine circlet that sat on my head, and untangling the pendant I had from my mother. It was ALWAYS around my neck or somewhere on my direct body. Once it had been a bracelet because the chain had irritated my super sensitive neck until we tried a leather string instead. "My hair and eye color are all wrong for a wolf, you know I may not even have a wolf right?" I said jestering to my long red hair and silver-gold eyes. Wolves were grey, black, brown, and occasionally white. "Not to mention the lack of muscle." I had always been on my mother's side of genes. I was shorter than my dad, but I had long arms, legs and fingers. I was only fourteen and still getting taller, but I stood at my father's shoulder. He was not a little man.

"Well I for one want to eat. There's no such thing as cake on the field." A gruff voice said and I turned grinning.

"Sago! I didn't know you were coming home!" I shouted hugging the gentle giant. He was my bodyguard and second father until I was nine. After that the war.... The war took a major turn. Fall started gaining ground in the south.

"Happy to see you too you ankle bitter. Now about that cake..." Sago said stepping back and glancing at the giant clock. Midnight was when I either turned, or remained a non shifter. It was a painful process the first few times as your bones got used to being rearranged and some developed a soft place where they broke easily and painlessly... let's just say it wasn't a process you looked forward to. You also started hearing the other part of your soul after you shifted.

"Do you think I'll shift?" I asked Sago as we walked to get the cake.

"Absolutely. You were raised by them after all." He replied. I glanced nervously at the clock with a nauseous feeling. Something edged on my back of my mind. Something was off... and I didn't like whatever it was.

"Sago, something's wrong." I whispered. My instincts were never wrong, and something definitely wasn't right. When I cried as a child, everyone knew to be on high alert.

"Any clues on what?" he asked instantly looking for my father and studying the room.

"Not yet. Act normal and take dad some cake. I'll find Eden." I said smiling and laughing after I said Eden. Eden was the girl everyone, including me and her, hoped was my Anima mate. I spotted her silver hair and frost blue eyes and waved with a smile and a glance to my left. The special signal that said I knew something was going to happen, just not what. A glance to the right met I knew what was wrong, but no one else could know I knew.

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