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Me and Taka walked back to the ward after and exhausting day of introductions and people bring me amazing amount of food. Don't even get me started on water. These people were very welcoming to me, and several large warriors promised they chased off any guards that might have been pursuing me. Younger clan members tried everything in their power to get me to keep a smile on my face, including dancing and singing on the tables, which Dustin joined in on. This wasn't a bad place, and I was safe here. I wasn't treated too differently, well aside from everyone trying to do everything for me blaming my injuries. I was welcomed, especially by the mateless young men and women. 

Everything was okay. I mean Dustin was a little bit of a bitch, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I could live without being seen practically naked daily too. Possibly have a space to my myself. Just basics.

A howl ripped threw the hall and I jumped. Taka stopped walking and had a worried expression. Wolves didn't randomly howl like that, and no wolves lived here. They must've come looking for help. I pulled my left arm off of him and leaned against the wall instead. Luckily Taka had wrapped my arm again earlier.

I made a shoeing motion with my hand. He nodded and ran down the hallway. I thought for a minute trying to figure out how I was going to make it back to the ward on my own. Not everyone could read or understand what I wanted to say. I thought back to what Dustin had said... but could I do it without something to-... I'm literally leaning on a wall. That'll work.

I used my right arm and just kept going a little bit at a time. That was until I tripped and landed on the floor. I huffed. Okay... I thought rolling over and sitting up. Maybe I'll just sit here and wait for a minute. Dustin came... well I guess you could call it walking, down the hall a while later. I clicked my tongue and she jumped. "Allen? What in the world are you doing down there?" I wrote and handed her the book.

'There was a howl and Taka needed to help. I sent him off and tried using the walls to get back to the ward. I tripped, and now we're here.' Dustin rubbed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. I gave her my best 'See? I'm adorable.' smile. She laughed and pulled me to my feet. A night walker appeared after we made it to the ward.

"You called Miss?" asked the boy that was around my age. He had the common black hair of his race and orange eyes. Night Walkers were literally meant to stand out. The opposite of their cousins, Day Walkers.

"You are to create a mind link with Allen. You can read correct?" Dustin asked grabbing Taka's blanket off of his bed and sniff testing it. The face she made afterwards was priceless.  "What are we going to do with him?" she said curling her lips and holding the blanket as far from her as she could.

"Yes Miss." he answered while handing Dustin new bedding. She turned to me with a raised eyebrow and I wrote.

'Mine's clean.' I answered earning a curious look from the Night Walker. 'Name?' I wrote and showed him the book.

"Alex. You're Allen right?" He said smoothly and I nodded.

'Pleased to meet you.' I wrote and Alex smiled.

"Pleased to meet you as well, Allen." He turned to address Dustin. "Why? She doesn't seem threatening in the least, charming actually." Wonderful. I'm not threatening in the slightest. How the mighty fall. I thought and huffed. "See? She's adorable." I blushed and hid my face with my hand. Men are insufferable.

"Because if she falls when no one's in sight, she can't call for help. If she wants to go somewhere, you're to escort her." Alex opened his mouth to speak and Dustin glared at him.

"Yes Miss." He grit out and turned back to me. "This is going to hurt a little." I nodded and sat still on the bed. I had no idea what to do, so I waited for instructions. "...I need your neck." He said a little embarrassed after a minute. I thought for a second. Taking off my shirt, my bandages thankfully covering my chest, I pointed to either side. "Is your right side burnt?" He asked and I held my fingers apart a little. "Left it is." I nodded that was probably the better side.

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