Chapter 4: at it again
Before walking back into algebra I checked my scarf once again, and followed Ashton in. We both split and went to our own seats across the room. "Is everything alright Ms. Ryder?" The teacher said checking on me. I wanted to talk to the teacher just as much as he wanted to talk to me. "Yeah, fine."
All through the rest of class all I could do was smile thinking about the idea of Ashton and me.
Once class ended I got my lunch and went to the cafeteria. Like always Chloe and Annabelle were already there. I took my seat and they both looked at me questionably. "Hey Jamie is everything alright?" Annabelle asked. "Yeah...?" "You just seem different." Chloe said. "Yeah your all smiley." Annabelle said taking a closer look at me. "Guys stop I'm fine." I begged them. "Okay okay." They said at the same time.
From where I sit at lunch, I had the perfect view of Ashton at his table. I would look over at him and notice his eyes looking my way. He would smirk or wink, making me blush and look away smiling. This happened several times during lunch and I couldn't help myself from looking at him.
Soon as the bell rang everyone went to their lockers then to their next class. For some reason I took longer at my locker today than usual. I reached in to grab a book and when I shut my locker Ashton was there leaning against the locker beside mine, with his arms lazily folded across his chest.
"Hey." He said so easily. "Hi Ashton." I said holding my books to my chest. "I thought you wanted this to be a secret?" I said raising my eyebrow at him. "Nobody's gonna notice." He smirked. Then we started walking side by side down the hallway. "So I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place and hang out tonight." "Yeah sure. Here give me your phone and I'll put my number in it and you can text me when to come over." He nodded agreeing to my plan and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. I quickly put in my number and gave it back to him. We separated before class since we had different classes.
Once school ended I headed to the parking lot to find my car. I usually park around the same area so I remember where it's at. I walked out to the parking lot. When I got to my car I unlocked it and looked up. A few cars over I could see Ashton. He was talking to a few of his friends by his car. His shirt today, the sleeves wrapped tightly around his biceps, and he looked so hot. Again he wore a bandanna to hold back his messy hair from his face.
I could see his lips move as he talked. And his face light up when he laughed, making his dimples appear. How could somebody so attractive want anything to do with me? I wasn't anything special.
When I got home I went straight up to my room. Not knowing when Ashton will text me, I decided to distract myself and do some homework. I kept glancing at the clock, wondering when my phone would go off.
It's a little after 5 now, and I can tell that Noah is home, because of all the stomping going on around the house. I just rolled my eyes at him figuring he's in a bad mood so practice must have been rough.
Then a little chime came from my stand, my phone! I quickly grabbed it hoping it was Ashton, and to my luck it was.
"Hey you still wanna come over?"
"Yeah, when?"
"Nows good if you want"
"Ok I'm on my way" I quickly texted and grabbed my keys and headed for my car.
I checked in the kitchen before I left to see if my parents were in there. But nobody was. There was a note saying that my mom had book club or something. Seeing this I knew that it would be no problem with me leaving.
When I pulled into Ashton's I got nervous. I put the car in park and took a deep breath before walking up to his door. I quickly fixed my shirt and hair before knocking on the door.
On the other side I could hear noise, loud thumps every so often. Soon after they stopped the door opened, showing Ashton on the other side.
"Hey." He said grinning, standing in the doorway. "Hi." I smiled back at him. I can't believe I'm here right now.
"Want to come in?" He asked rubbing the back of his head. "Well that is why I came over." I said making him chuckle and shake his head at me,shutting the door behind me.
I followed him down the hall till we came to a room, his room.
Inside his room, it reflected him exactly how I would have expected it to. There were band posters like green day, the 1965 and blink-182. Also he had a bean bag and a desk that had a tv on it. But the thing that kinda surprised me was the drum kit in the corner.
I took a seat beside Ashton on his bed and in no time we were right back to where we left off.
We had started just going at it, full make out in no time flat. Our arms were tightly wrapped around the other person, making sure we were as close as possible. It was like we couldn't get enough. I slipped my hands under his shirt running them up his hard tone chest. He pulled back and tore his shirt off, throwing it on his bedroom floor. Soon reattaching our lips.
As things heated up more we laid down on the bed and I climbed on top of Ashton, earning me a smirk as he watched me intently, with pleading eyes.
I leaned down and started kissing his jaw then down his neck. When I was right below his jaw and kissed him, he closed his eyes and groaned. Liking the reaction I got I stayed at that spot a little longer, sucking and biting on his warm skin.
I loved being on top of him. I could feel each time he'd breath,or when he held his breath longer than normal. It was like I could tell how he was reacting to everything I did.
As I left wet kisses all over his body as I started to grind my hips on him, already feeling him, and I gazed up at him. his eyes now very dilated and dark that I could barely see the green at all. "Fuck Jamie your so hot." He groaned in pleasure under me.
He reached for my shirt and we sat up long enough for him to pull it over my head. When we laid back down he grabbed my ass with both of his hands, pushing my hips farther down on him, making me moan at the friction as we rocked back and forth.
He started leaving wet open mouth kisses on my neck as I grabbed onto the back of his neck and his hair, letting out heavy breaths. "I want you so damn bad right now." He whispered against my skin, making chills run down my body. "Ashton." I moaned out.
He ran his hands from my butt to the front of my pants, kissing my chest. He was trying to unbutton my pants, but was having trouble. Just as he unbuttoned them and went to do the zipper my phone started going off. We both tried to ignore it at first but it kept going off. I groaned rolling my eyes and pushed myself off of Ashton and went to answer it,still sitting on his lap.
"Hello?" "Dear where are you?" My mother asked. "I'm at the library." I stated, as Ashton was very impatient and started kissing from the top of my breast to my stomach making me giggle and squirm, "Well you need to come home, dinners ready." "Okay." I bit down on my lip from keeping me from moaning, and I hung up the call.
I looked down at Ashton and he smiled up at me "where were we?" And wiggled his eyebrows and planting his soft lips on mine. But I pushed him away. "What!" He asked as if he was doing something wrong. "I have to go." "Why?" He seemed really upset now. "That was my mom. She wants me home." "Oh." He stated now we were sitting up again.
He just sat on his bed and watched me as I re-buttoned my pants, put my shirt back on and grabbed my shoes. When I was done I went for the door, but Ashton pulled me by my arm toward him and kissed me. His hand found its way in my hair and the other had a tight grip on my waist. By now my heart was still racing, having trouble slowing down to normal speed.
We pulled away and smiled. The kiss was sweet and not too needy. " I'll see you later." And went out the door, but squealed when I felt a smack on my butt. I turned around and glared at him and he just sat on his bed and laughed at my attempt of being mad.
So i think this is the way i want the story to go....
if you are freaked out by whats happened so far then maybe your not ready for what will happen later on...

Ash's girl (Ashton Irwin fanfic)
Fanfic.....Next thing I knew I was hit by something in my back. I looked at the ground already furious, to see a piece of crumbled up paper. I snapped my head toward the boys and glared at them. "Do you need something?!" I said sternly at them. "Not a thi...