Eunhyuk ~1~

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I already have a few stories with this that I have typed up on my Quotev account. I only own the stories, not the pictures or characters. Thanks for reading, and enjoy~! Btw, I did make some changes in the story, thank you~~


  It was a pretty chilly day in november. You had just gotten back from your trip to America. You smiled at the thought. You loved the differences that America had from Korea. It was a little more, "free". You were there for about two years. You started to wonder if anyone knew that you were back. Now that you thought about it, you never told anyone about it. But then again, surprises are funner.

        You continued to walk along the side walk of a familiar street. The street you grew up on. As the memories filled your head, you smiled. So many good things happened here. But also bad things too. Once you got to a certain spot, you came to a stop. Looking around, you noticed your surroundings. This place hasn't changed, has it?

        Where were you exactly? You were at a park. The same place that a memory of yours played part in. That memory, only two years ago. You closed your eyes as the image filled your mind.

*~*~* Flash Back *~*~*

        "Why do you have to go?!" Said a boy with tears streaming own his face. This boy looked about the same age as you, or a little older. You looked the boy in the eye, tears stinging your own (e/c) orbs. "I am so sorry, Hyukkie." You called the boy by his nickname. But that didn't make the hot tears streaming down his face stop. It hurt watching the scene in front of you. This brown-haired boy was always full of life. Always smiling, laughing, and dancing. Now he looked like a shattered doll thrown to the ground. The tears wouldn't stop flowing from his beautiful brown pools. His tears made a fresh batch of your own escape.

        "Please, stay with me." The boy choked out. You couldn't take it. You couldn't stand watching this scene anymore. You grabbed his hand and held it before bringing him into a last embrace. "I am sorry, Hyukkie. I will come back before you know it. Stay safe, okay?" Your voice cracked a little as the words left your lips. After a few moments, you stood up and gave the boy one last look before turning away. As you walked away, he shouted your name. But you didn't turn around. You kept walking. As his voice faded, you let out all of your tears. You will see him again. You said to yourself. But you doubted he would except you back. Not after this.

*~*~* End of Flash Back *~*~*

        Tears stung your eyes as you remembered that scene. You tossed and turned all the time thinking about it. You couldn't stand it. Before you knew it, the tears poured out of your (e/c) orbs and your knees gave in. You collapsed to the ground, sobbing. Your head was hurting, and the tears wouldn't stop. Where was he now? Was he okay? 

        After a few more minutes of crying, you found the strength to pull yourself up. You stood and wiped the tears off your face with your sleeve. You started to walk home when you felt this odd sensation of someone watching you. You turned around and no one was there. Weird. But nonetheless, you continued to walk down the side walk. Then you felt it again. Once again, you turned around. No one in sight. You sighed, probably jet lag.

        But after a few minutes, you felt it again. You quickly turned around and saw someone dart behind something. The person was too fast so you couldn't see who it was. Instead of sticking around to find out, you darted through the neighborhood. You eventually came to a place that you could safely hide. Your house was still a few blocks away. You looked around the corner, no one. You sighed. Maybe you lost them. Think again.

        Before you could even breathe, a hand covered your mouth. Your eyes grew wide and you grabbed the attackers arm. With force, you tried to pry the persons hand away from your mouth. But with no avail, your attack failed. You kicked the persons leg, and they grunted. Got you. You said to yourself. Before you went to America, you took judo classes. You remembered a small self defense trick. Looking down, you noticed that attackers legs were in the correct position. 

        You brought your right leg over and hooked it under the attackers right leg. The attacker jumped a little so you knew that you surprised them. You were about to trip them, but they quickly moved their leg back around yours, reversing the attack. Your eyes widened as your heartbeat quickened. The only person that could do that was Lee Hyukjae. a.k.a. Hyukkie. Tears welled up in your eyes. Could it be him? You looked over to the side, where the attackers face was. It was a little hard to see, but you noticed the person had pink hair. You slightly giggled. Hyukkie was the only one around here who would die his hair weird colors.  

        The attacker noticed your small giggle. They cocked their head a little to the side in confusion. You then saw the jawline. You looked at it fully. Yep, that was Hyukjae's jawline alright. You smiled under the attackers hand. The attacker also returned you a gummy smile. They took their hand from your mouth and brought you into a tight hug. Smiling you hugged back. You took in the man's scent. He smelled really good. His sent was, manly.

        He pulled away and looked at you. "How have you been, _____-ah?" You smiled. "I have been okay." He grabbed your arm and pulled you into the light. There he looked down at you. Funny, because the two of you used to be the same height. Since you had the chance, your eyes scanned his body. He got a little bit more muscular since the last time. The man saw you scanning his body and chuckled. You looked back up at him, blushing. He noticed.

        "Umm.. you have gotten bigger since I last saw you..." You said trying to somewhat change the subject. You looked at the boy and he flashed a smile. Gosh, that smile could make you melt in this cold weather. "I got bigger so I could protect you." Your face lit up again. To protect you? The boy noticed this and walked up to you. Grabbing your hands, he brought them to his lips. He kissed the top of each hand. 

        "It pained me when you left, _____-ah. I realized though, that I longed for your touch. I longed for your smile. I wanted to see those beautiful (e/c) orbs reflect my image. I wanted those cheeks to become rosy when I said something romantic or when my lips touched yours. I realized that I loved you. That it had always been that way. So thus, I became stronger." The boy looked down at you, his gaze locked on you.

        Your face heated up and you looked into the mans eyes. You saw yourself in his eyes. You smiled. You had also realized that you loved him when you left for America. But you wasn't sure he felt the same. Without warning, he leaned in. You also leaned in and as your lips touched, the cold air left. Warmth was felt and your heart started pounding. You had longed for his touch. Hyuk grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him more. Your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him down. You felt him smile against your lips. 

        As they two of you noticed your lack of air, the both of you pdulled away. Hyuk looked down at you, smiling. He put his forehead against yours. _____-ah, will you be mine?" Without a word you moved up and landed your lips on his. Hyuk took that as a yes and smiled. You were now his. He was now yours. You were sorta glad you went to America.

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