1; Hopeful

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"Hey, Mr. Johnson.  "

"Hey yourself Ms. Faye. " My art teacher greeted me, he sat on his desk with a cup of coffee in his hands and a  pale yellow folder in the other. 

A young girl stood beside him with a shy smile as she fiddled with her hands, a book bag slung over her shoulder which looked a tad bit heavy for the small girl's frame. 

"Robin, I'd like you to meet Lisa Gregory, she's new here and I thought I'd introduce you both." 

My gaze shifted from my smiling teacher to Lisa who stuck out a dainty hand to shake with a friendly grin. "Lisa, meet Robin Faye. " He finished the introduction as he sat from his spot and walked around his desk to sit down. 

We shook hands, addressing each other before I took a step back and looked to Mr. Johnson once more. 

"Was there something you needed?" I asked, rocking back and forth on my heels, "Careful Ms. Faye, or I might ask you to organize my desk again. "

My only reply was a good-hearted eye roll and sarcastic laugh.

"I simply wanted to introduce the two of you. " He had a sly grin on his face that he often had when he was plotting something, it made me skeptical but Lisa didn't know any better. 

"Maybe you can walk her to class? I'll dismiss yesterday's tardiness if you would be kind enough."  He told me, stacking some of his paperwork into a pile and collected the stray pens and shards of charcoal from off the messy surface. 

"You have a deal. " I smirked, nodding along to Lisa who quietly looked between my exchange with Mr. Johnson. 


"So, where's your first class? " I questioned while we trudged down the hall, she seemed sweet.

 I quickly learned she was a brilliant painter as she handed me her portfolio she had also shown Mr. Johnson.

 It made sense to introduce us, I thought, the idea of a new friendship excited me and her paintings showcased her talents and strengths. 

"Um, ugh, hospitality with Mrs. White," she replied in confusion, I took pity on her after I saw the way she tensed up while looking at her surroundings. 

"Hey, listen," I spoke softly with a small smile, slowing my steps so she could keep up. 

"Hm?" she hummed while she tugged a piece of rich brown hair behind her ear and her hazel eyes resembled those of a puppy shimmered curiously as she innocently looked at me. 

"The first day might be rough, but I'll happily be a friend. " I told her as I handed her back her art folder with an easygoing smile. 

"Thank you!" She squealed and tackled me into a hug, Lisa seemed to have regained some enthusiasm and energy. 

I laughed and briefly hugged her back before I told led her down the hall once more until we reached the kitchen connected to the cafeteria. 


Mr. Johnson stayed true to his word and threw in an extra favour,  not bothering to comment that I walked through the door twenty minutes after the bell rang. 

When lunchtime rolled around and when I didn't see Lisa around the halls, lingering by any of the classrooms or sitting in the cafeteria and my best friend had a dentist appointment, so I chose to just sit and relax in the vacant upstairs library. 

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