6; Goodnight

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"Give me details!" Jade squealed, jumping on my bed like a little kid when I told her the events of yesterday. 

Friday's were our favourite time of the week, like everyone else's, it was when we'd unwind and have movie marathons or self-care for fun. Though it was typically a combination of both. 

"We decided to become friends," I told her again with a laugh, pushing her off of me, giggling again when she pouted.

"So no hot make-out sessions yet?" She sighed, a fake pouty frown on her lips but an evil look in her eyes. 

"Shut up Jade! Ryan might hear you!" I whisper shouted flustered, she laughed at me as she continued to ask me things about Elliot that I wouldn't even know. Like if he had a girlfriend. . .

"What shouldn't Ryan be hearing?" My older brother ordered, he stood at my doorway with his arms crossed over his chest and an expectant look on his face. 

I felt my hands get sweaty and I gave Jade a nervous look, but she turned away from us to quietly snicker to herself at my expense. 

"Boys!" I told him, half lying half honest.

Oh my god, I thought, what did I just do?  

Ryan fixed me with his overprotective big brother glare, puffing his chest out, "what boys?"

Jade looked at me again, holding her breath and laugh. I held my breath too,  eyes wide open.

"Jade, what boys were you talking about?" Ryan asked her and I was the smug one this time, Jade couldn't keep things from him either, he was the closest thing to a brother she had and he treated her like family himself. 

"Boy's that we like," Jade told him with a relaxed half-smile, but we all knew it was a cover-up. 

Ryan groaned, rubbing a hand over his face, his brown eyes looking into mine, to say, be honest. 

"Are you using protection?" He inquired, panic evident in his face, he began to chew on his nails, a habit that he and I got from our mother. 

I reddened and wildly shook my head and flailed my arms while Jade nearly fell off the bed cackling at Ryan and I's state.  "It's not like that! I swear!" I shouted horrified. 

Just then my phone began to ding with text notifications, the sound redirecting our attention. 

"It's Elliot," Jade smirked, handing me my phone and Ryan took a step forward, nostrils flared. 

"Who the hell is Elliot?" He demanded, uncrossing his arms and clenching his fists. 

"Ryan," his girlfriend Sarah laughed lightly, following the sound of his voice until she got to my room and put a hand on his shoulder, "leave Robin alone, if she says it's not like that, then it's not. She's a smart girl and doesn't need you to be a helicopter brother. Now let's go before we're late, again. " 

Ryan sighed, closing his eyes and nodding his head as he let her lead him away, she turned back to us, winking and I mouthed a thank you to her in relief. 

My family loved her, she was one of the best things to ever happen to my brother; they met in their first year of college, Sarah's smart, funny, nice and positive influence on him. We got along instantly because of all that, and because of the way she so obviously loves him. 

Ryan was so overprotective because of my father's death when I was eight and he was fifteen. 

He became the mini-man of the house after my mom's brother Thomas moved in to help her take care of us but Ryan's protectiveness really escalated when he graduated high school and moved out. 

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