2; Shy

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Lisa's home was beautiful.

I stood on the outside of it, waiting for Lisa to allow me inside with the promise to help her unpack and have some fun together. 

I smiled softly at the sound of two people laughing and giggling, Lisa's distinct voice was very feminine and cheerful and I could hear it more and more the closer she got to the door. 

"Robin! I'm so glad you knew how to get here!" She exclaimed, with a bright smile she pulled me into a hug and dragged me by the hand to her kitchen after I barely managed to pull my shoes off at the front door. 

The walls of her living room were a sandy yellow with beautiful white furniture to accent it and white fall art, with a lush white fur rug, a white marble coffee table and a glass white lamp, it was a very stunning living room layout. 

Their living room was probably the cost of my car. 

The kitchen was just as glorious, with dangling glass lights and marble counters, cupboards, island and table.  The walls were pure white with picture-perfect family photos.  

I was snapped from my trance when the boy from school and I made consuming eye contact, he frowned and furrowed his brows, putting his dish in the sink and brushing past me. 

He shuffled up the stairs, his vacant facial expression was the last thing I saw of him before he disappeared once more.  


If yesterday was anything to go by, I didn't think the new boy liked me very much. But, I had discovered his name, age and felt utterly horrified at my behaviour earlier on in the day when Lisa invited me into her new home after the final bell rung and I was packing my bookbag for the day. 

His name was Elliot Gregory, he's sixteen and Lisa's twin. 

luckily, Lisa was too distracted when she led me into her spacious kitchen to notice the look of disbelief Elliot gave me, or the one I gave him before he went rushing up the stairs to hideaway. 

Whoa, I thought, I really made a bad first impression. 

"Robin Margot Faye. "

"Huh?" I questioned with a jump as I zoned out and slipped into my thoughts. 

My best friend Jade rolled her eyes, putting her binders out of her bag and placed them on the top shelf of her locker. "I asked what I missed," she repeated, pulling her grape coloured hair into a messy bun. 

"Not much, we have some new students here though," I answered her while I took my sketchbook and pencil case out from my locker, I looked over at her confused while she looked back at me with a smug smirk.

"And let me guess, you introduced yourself right away." She snickered at my flushed face, she knew me too well for me to deny it.   

"Yes.  Yes, I did ms anti-social. " I tsked and playfully shoved her, I was prepared to walk away to my homeroom with her after I closed my locker but my interest was caught once more by Lisa, walking down the hall with her brother Elliot who walked with his head down and gaze lowered. 

He was frowning.  

Lisa excitedly waved at me as she greeted me passing by, I in returned grinned back and waved my hand with a chuckle as Jade and I went back to walking in the opposite direction. 

"So those are the new kids, huh?" Jade quizzed with an arched eyebrow and a self-satisfied smile. 

I avoided her gaze and nodded my head in reply, my face was covered in a bright red colour, I could feel the warmth radiating off my cheeks when I put a hand on them to hide it. 

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