5; Truce

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When I had finally got home last night,  sleep did not come as easily to me as I thought it would. 

I tossed and turned until my digital alarm clock's tiny red numbers read 2:30 AM, I made it home by eleven but I couldn't turn my brain off. 

By twelve I thought that sleep was a lost cause and quietly snuck out from my room, with my phone and earphones in hand I silently went to my kitchen. 

When I reached there I sat down onto one of the dinner table's chairs and googled recipes.

Finally finding the perfect recipe for chewy chocolate chip granola bars, I set to work with only the tiny light above my oven to help me see. 

I plugged my earphones into my phone, untangling the strings and putting them in my ears to help me focus and I scrolled through my Spotify playlists until I found Jade's band The Wild Child and choose my personal favourite song labelled Panic from their first mini-album. 

As her voice flowed in harmony with her other band members,  I glided around the dark kitchen to prep the ingredients. 


"We need to think of ideas for Halloween," Jade sighed, she slumped against her locker situated beside mine as Nick stood in between us and rolled his eyes playfully. 

"Which isn't until next month," Nick sassed back, the drummer moved his neck around in circular motions and I cringed when it cracked loudly. 

Halloween was a huge deal for Jade, it was not only because of the concept of the spooky holiday but because her birthday fell on that day. 

"We need costume ideas! Aesthetics are important," she grumbled and shoved her shoulder against his while he smirked down at her. 

"Anyway, I was thinking for myself a sexy demon costume. " Jade told me directly, ignoring Nick behind her, who's smirk grew larger as I thought of what to say. 

"Well the demon part's suiting, " I smirked at her and chuckled when she hit me with her fist. 

"I'd say so," Nick snickered, getting an even harder punch than me. 

With almost twenty-five minutes to spare before the bell rang to begin school, the three of us lazily stood around in the hallways where some of the other half-asleep zombie-like students and teachers were as well. 

"Hey, guys!" Lisa greeted as she bounced over, dragging Elliot over to us with her. 

We all stopped our conversation, turning to look at them and wave, "Hey, Lisa, hey Elliot," I greeted, Nick and Jade, smiled toward them and said a tiny hello. 

"What's up?" I asked her and looked at the two, Elliot looked down at his feet, his cheeks going an almost unnoticeable shade of pink. 

"I just thought I'd say hi before class, is all," Lisa answered, smiling at us all and turning to Elliot who stood rigidly. 

"We were just talking about Halloween, costumes and plans, " Jade told her eagerly, scrolling through her phone and holding it for Lisa to look at her ideas. 

"The devil costume is cute," Lisa told her, referring to the one Jade said she liked and gave us her notorious smirk. "Thank you, Lisa."

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