4; Friendly Visit

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It was Wednesday and my turn to wonder where Elliot was, he wasn't in the library and I didn't see him at his lockers in between classes but when I asked Lisa, she told me he was busy catching up in his classes.

"Trouble in paradise?" Jade asked with a smirk and shoulder bump, stealing one of my French fries. 

I gave her my best poker face, but I'm an exceptionally horrible liar.

"With Elliot, smelliot?" Lisa giggled, her hazel eyes were mischievous and a playful smile worked its way onto her face. 

I laughed with her, my face feeling extremely hot and my heart thudding like a herd of wild horses. 

"No. You guys are the worst. " I joked with a roll of my eyes. 


"Hello, Mrs. Smith speaking, what can I do for you ?" My history teacher asked over the phone with a chirpy voice, however, her friendly smile began to fade as her eyes flickered around the room. 

I sat in my seat like everybody else, waiting for her to hang up and get back to our lesson plan about the Civil Rights Movement in America and how we could compare it to Canada's equality throughout our history.  

"Yes, she's here. " Mrs. Smith said, her mouth was opening and closing while she listened to the other person speaking. 

"Are you sure?" She asked with a suspicious look on her face.

She cleared her throat, looking me in the eyes for the first time since she answered the phone,  "Robin, please go to the principle's office. "  

I was stunned and gave her a look of shock while my classmates whispered to each other, hollered at me or asked what I did. 

What did I do?

"Birdie, is everything okay?" Jade asked in concern as she grabbed my hand before I stood up. 

"I think so," was all I could say as I walked out of the room in a daze. 


I entered the office, smiling at the sectary and making my way over to a bench outside of Mr. Moore's room.  

"Elliot? What happened? are you alright? " I panicked all out in one breath, the boy sat on the edge of bench slumping, he looked tired and mentally drained with dark circles underneath his eyes. 

"I got hurt on the soccer field, " he muttered and looked away from me with a conflicted expression. 

His nose was pink and tender looking and his lips were busted and still bleeding onto the ice pack he moved away from his mouth so he could speak properly. 


"Oh! Your glasses are dirty, " I said after a moment, taking them before he reacts and breathed on them before using my shirt to rid the glasses of dried blood and the pesky water stains. 

"Thank you," Elliot mumbled out as he reached for them again and our fingers skimmed across each other.

His fingers were like popsicles while mine were warm and the difference in our body heat sent chills down my back. 

A minute later and Scott slugged out of the office, his face set drawn into a scowl as he saw us both, he clenched his fists as he leaned down to whisper something in Elliot's ear, making him tense up and I could only watch as every muscle in his body stiffened. 

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