3; Unexpected

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"Nothing, " I told her, I turned to face her, as did Jade as we waited for her to talk again. 

"Oh, okay," she replied with a shrug, she didn't seem fazed but I could recognize a good poker face when I saw one, and her  indifferent attitude was defiantly a facade 

"Your brother probably hates me. " I stated as I rolled my eyes, trying to force the blush on my cheeks to go away. 

"Uh-huh." Lisa slowly smirked, peered at me with a knowing look, she was certainly sneaky.  

That little- she wasn't buying it and neither was Jade who looked smug in her seat with a raised brow. 

But nothing was going on, I knew that for sure since he wouldn't even speak to me willingly. 

"And to think, I thought you were different. " I playfully sighed with a fake frown, my facade fell when she answered me with, "I am, most girls don't like their brothers dating their friends."

 I spat out my sticky drink, coughing and pounding on my chest as Jade copied my actions with a discarded bag of chips next to her. 

I wiped tears from my eyes and ignored the burning of my nostrils, the damn drink came out my nose. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I shouted, my eyes popped out of their sockets and my jaw hit the floor. 

Lisa merely shrugged as though it was apart of her everyday conversations. 

I was so confused, why'd she bring this up? 

"Lisa! I just met him, and he hates me!" I cried out, my voice cracked significantly and I shook her small shoulders wildly while she only looked at me with a deadpan expression. 

Had Elliot asked or spoken about me? I was flustered, to say the least at the numerous thoughts and scenarios floating on around inside my head. 

With a grumble, I sat back down in my seat, since Lisa acted as though she hadn't just given me a heart attack.  

Time ticked by as we all returned to the movie, not noticing the sun beginning to set and dinner time approached. 

"My brother will be picking me up in a few minutes. " Lisa sighed, slumping a bit more in her seat before collecting herself up off the couch and stretching out her numb limbs. 

Elliot, or her other brother I hadn't met yet, named Evan? 

My face flushed at the idea of it being Elliot, the girls were relentless and I couldn't handle more embarrassment. 

 I followed suit, collecting the empty chip bags and soda cans off the furniture and floor.

Jade hummed, cracking her knees and hips as she stood up as well and the three of us looked like sims waiting to be given a command. 

"I should go as well, my gram won't be happy if I flake out on dinner again." Jade rolled her eyes and slipped her arms through the sleeves of her leather jacket, hiding her 'punk rock' tattoos. 

"Alright, " I sighed, leading them to the front door, "I'll wait with you for your ride, Lisa," I told her and pulled on a pair of beaten up sandals. 

I swung open the door and saw an unfamiliar car with its headlights on that shone like a beacon and Elliot's face illuminated by the brightness of his phone. 

His features were soft and delicate while he ignored the world around him, peacefully typing and minding his own business. And here I was, my eyes firmly set on him. 

 Lisa's phone went off a moment later with a text from him, 'I'm here now'  I briefly saw. 

Lisa turned to me with a smug expression before she leaned down and whisper-like voice in my ear, "He doesn't hate you, pretty girls just make him nervous. " 

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