Chapter 1

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Night, extremely dark.

    A petite figure stands on the head of the tree. In the night, the pink figure is very noticeable. The skirt flutters with the wind, but the figure stands very stable. The tree shook and the figure moved along with it, as if it had become one with the branches.

    Her eyes were very bright. Jumping with the bright eyes and her eyes are fixed on the black building in front of her.

    There is a gloomy atmosphere in the black building. Especially in the dark, which is gloomier, and people dare not approach.

    The well-known Assassin’s Pavilion, Blood House, is a mysterious organization in Jianghu. No one wants to get close to this evil place.

    However, she is exceptional - today, her goal is in there.

    Her pink lips are light, and she is not wearing a mask. The tip of the tree head was lightly pointed with her toes, her figure was almost like a wind, and it disappeared before you blinked.

    The heavily guarded building, the guards patrolled back and forth, the pink figure swept lightly and float behind the guards.

    "Eh?" The guard didn't feel right. He turns around and sees nothing.

    Illusion? The guard scratched his head, thinking that he thought too much, and he continue to patrol.

    She flew fast, and her conspicuous pink clothes seemed to blend with the night, making her invisible.

    In this way, she felt as if she was walking around her yard, quickly and neatly came to the last house. Her tiptoe lightly landed on the roof tile without a sound.

    Here we are! Should it be here?

    Recently, I heard that there is a treasure hidden in the Blood House and sent someone to guard it closely. No one could allow to approach close except the landlord.

    This made her curious. Since there is treasure, if she doesn't steal it, does she have the name of the God stealing family? Therefore, while the elder brother didn't pay attention, she sneaked out of the valley and came to the Blood House.

    She has self-confidence in her own lightness skill. There are not many people in the world who can catch up with her except for her elder martial brother. It shows her ability to come to her destination as in the middle of nowhere.

    The pink petals proudly picks up, she gently moved away a small piece of roof tile, listened —

    It’s quiet and silent.

    She raised her eyebrows slightly, and she got up and leaped off the roof tile, her hand pressed against the door, with a slight push of her fingertip, and the wooden door is slightly opened.

    No lock?!!

    Frowning slightly, she opened the door boldly and stepped into the room.

    The darkness in the room did not affect her. In the dark, she could easily see the scenes and objects in the room.

    The room was very wide, but there was nothing. She felt strange and continued to walk to the inner room.

    But there was only one bed in the inner room, but nothing else.

    This is weird! She looked around the room with her lips pressed, and a picture on the wall caught her attention.

    It was a very ordinary landscape painting, nothing unusual, but there was no decoration in the whole room, only the painting ...

    She walked towards the painting and held out her hands, but instead of touching the painting, she touched the wall below the painting until she felt a very small, inconspicuous arc.

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