Chapter 13

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He sleeps well …

    Shui Wa’er raised her head, the bright apricot eyes smiled softly and quietly staring at the beautiful handsome man next to her.

    She knew that he always in shallow sleep. When the two people lived in the same room, she often slept alone on bed, and he always sat on a chair to relax.

    Occasionally, she would wake up in the middle of the night. In a confusion, always seeing him awake, eyes opened and looking her with those beautiful hazel brown eyes.

    Shui Wa’er often ask him the same question: What are you looking at, and his answer forever will be ── looking at you.

    His voice was always light and soft, it always made her feel the love in his voice. And his eyes too, that always focused on her intently.

    Him being like this ── made her entirely feeling lost, unsure what to do. Unable to put off her mind, nor able to let go.

    It's strange that he talks very little, but she talks as much as like a sparrow: He is icy cold and doesn't even smile, but she is cheerful and always smiling.

    People like him, isn’t she supposed to keep herself away from being too close? Moreover, she was so afraid of him last time, as if she is being frightened to death.

    But somehow, she stayed with him. In fact, she doesn’t even hate being near him, and even willing to give herself to him. Two of them were close to each other, sharing the most intimate love.

    Thinking of those intimate and fiery contacts, Shui Wa'er could not help but feeling blush. Her face went burning red and the smile on her lips was sweeter.

    Gently stroke her fingers on the beautiful white eyebrow, and moving her fingertips gently downward, like a kiss, gently touch the straight bridge of his sharp nose. She was able to feel his smooth breathing.

    He really sleeps soundly ...

    The fingers move to his sexy thin lips, patting the shape of his lips lightly. The pupil of her eyes looked at him instantly.

    Suddenly she thought about last night. The dejected look on his face when he had walked into the dark room. He looked like as if he lost his soul, and the expression when he saw her – he was speechless and surprised. He could not believe with his own eyes.

    Shui Wa'er seems to understand the reason why he has been clingy to her lately ──

    Is he afraid of her leaving?

    That's why he has been following her all the time, and he can't stay away from her, leaving her alone. When she doesn’t want him to follow, he’ll show his uneasy eyes and make her feel guilty.

    With a soft sigh, she saw the beautiful hazel brown eyes slowly open, and her face slowly reflected in the beautiful pupils.

    "Do you want me to leave?"

    "No!" The brown eyes gaped in shock, hugging her tightly with his iron arm and refusing to let her go. "Wa'er, please ..... don't go ..."

    "Then why didn't you come after me yesterday?"  

    Don’t want her to leave, but why did you watch her taken away by her brother?

    "I ..... " He wanted to explain but didn't know what to say.

    "Huh?" Shui Wa’er looked at him, determined to get an answer.

    After hesitating for a while, Leng Wu’she said stiffly, "You ... not willing to stay with me.." He lowered his eyes and his voice became weaker. "An inhuman and demon-look like me ... No one wants to stay with me."

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