Chapter 3

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Oh My God! She really sees ghost.

    The figure of Shui Wa’er flew fast. She dares not even stop. She uses her lightness skill to escape with all her strength.

    Uh…. She was really too suffocated. When she saw him, she was too scared, and didn't dare to move. But unexpectedly, the cup falls which attracted his attention.

    Shit! Very good Wa’er! He found me.


    With that guy's indescribable obsession to her, now she got to run hard!

    She did not forget that five years ago, he had unconsciously approached her by an inch when she did not realize it. In addition to the rumors heard in Jainghu these years. His skills must be more terrifying than five years ago, and she doubted whether she could really escape.

    Well, if you cannot escape, you still have to! The Stealing Gods have always been known for their lightness skill. She must not be ashamed!

    Shui Wa'er gasped in her breath. She fled for a few miles away from Huanxi City. She did not stop until she felt like no one had chased her.

    With her hand against the tree and another one on her waist, she swallowed hard, breathing shortly. "Should.… should be far en...."

    She looked behind her ── nobody. "Great, finally I got rid of ….."


    "Ah!" She screamed in horror, turned around and saw a white figure slowly floating in front of her. The brown eyes were focused at her through the fangs mask.

    She was stunned. When did this guy come to her? And she didn't even realize... "Y_you….." Staring at him, she was so speechless with fear.

    Leng Wu’she looked intently at those bright eyes and his thin lips curled up. "I've found you, baby." That pair of vivid apricot eyes made him sure, it was her!

    "W_ what do you want?" From the shock, Shui Wa’er braved and looked up at him uncontrollably. "Leng Wu’she, you have been sending people to chase me since five years ago. What do you want?"

    She also has a temper. Since she was caught, she will just let out all out!

    She didn't do anything to him. She broke into the Blood House. At most, once, and accidentally saw his **…. But it wasn't her intention at all. It was because of him! He did not wear any clothes!

    "This— is yours." His tone was still light. He reached out to her hand, opened his palm.

    Shui Wa’er froze, looking at the emerald jade pendant on his hand, the round bead jade pendant, and the lily pattern carved in emerald color. Under the moonlight, there is a faint green light.

    This is the jade pendant she has been wearing since she was a child. She never left her body until it was torn down by him five years ago.

    She did not expect that he would actually keep the jade pendant with him, and the first thing he said to her was to return it.

    She looked at the jade pendant and then at Leng Wu’she. Her face full of doubts. "Y_ you... chased me for five years just to return this back to me?"

    This is cannot be. Impossible –– No?

    "You, don't want?" The brown eyes flickered incomprehensibly, but the voice still indifferent, cannot hear any emotion.

    "Er ...." Shui Wa’er scratched her head and looked at him. "You have to return it. Of course I want but..... when I take this, you won't follow me like a ghost anymore, will you?"

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