Chapter 14 - Epilogue

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Holding her, he flew quicker ... 

    The poison on his body spread faster because he used his internal forces. He clenched his lips and held back the pain in his chest, but he could not stop vomiting black blood. 

    "Leng Wui'she, stop! Stop using your internal power! " Shui Wa'er yelled. Her body was weak because of the overpowering drugs, which made her unable to walk. He has to carry her, and it will only become a burden to him. 

    "No, it doesn't matter ... " Leng Wu'she reluctantly to let her go and raised a smile, comforting Shui Wa'er, and the figure flew faster. 

    There was a pain came from his chest due to the internal force being urged again, but he didn't care. It was just that his consciousness gradually began to slack ..... 

    He braced himself to stand up and so that he would not fall. 

    He knew that Yin Luo would not let them go easily. It is alright that unfortunate things happened on him, but No, not her ... He wants to protect her. 

    "Enough! No more ..." Seeing that he has been vomiting black blood and his face is pale with cold sweat, Shui Wa'er cried and roared heartily, desperately reaching for her hands to wipe away the blood he vomited. 

    "Uh!" Leng Wu'she snorted suddenly, more black blood spewed out of his mouth, his figure was stagnant, holding her and fell on to the ground. 

    "Leng Wu'she!" Shui Wa'er looked at him anxiously and reached out her hand touched his face. "Are you okay? Hold on for a little more okay, I will take you to the Huanxi City, where someone can save you. " 

    She gritted her teeth and lifted him up, struggling to carry him. 

    "No... " Leng Wu'she shook his head. "You go ..." 

    If she is alone, she can definitely leave safely. 

    "No!" Shui Wa'er shook her head and looked at him firmly and stubbornly with her red eyes. "Let's go together."  She will never leave him! Stood up, she helped him to walk forward step by step. 

    Leng Wu'she looked at Shui Wa'er, his eyes are gradually blurred, but he insisted on seeing her deeply into his eyes and imprinted her on to his heart. 

    He saw that she was obviously unsteady but insisted on helping him walk; her body was shaking, but she stubbornly supported him to keep him from falling. 

    "I won't leave you alone ... " Shui Wa'er whispered, sweat drips from her forehead, and her little face flushed in red with force. 

    She looks embarrassed, but he can't keep his eyes off. 

    "Baby ..." He smiled and quickly reached for her acupoint. 

    "Leng Wu'she, what are you doing?" Shui Wa'er stared at him. She was picked up by him and hid in the hidden grass. 

    "What do you want to do? Untie my acupoints! " She yelled at him and tears began to fall. 

    "If you dare to do this, I will never forgive you, forever! Don't think I will stay with you! " 

    Leng Wu'she smiles and shakes his hands to wipe the tears on her face. "It doesn't matter, it is enough."   These days, being with her, it is enough. 

    "What is enough?" Shui Wa'er stared at him and scolded loudly. 

    "Not enough! It is not enough! It never enough! Did you forget that I said I would take you to play? We will steal all the treasures and take you to eat all the delicious food. You said yes, you promised me. You can't break the promise!" 

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