Chapter 5

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This place is really not popular at all!

    After spending a few days in Blood House, Shui Wa'er felt that she was almost suffocating.

    All the people here are all weird. Even the servants are as quiet as ghosts. They are completely silent.

    And that Yin Luo, who looked at her from afar with that strange eyes every time. She felt goosebumps rise on her skin and shivered.

    In a way to compare with, Leng Wu’she probably a lot more normal.

    Shui Wa’er picked a piece of meat and put into her mouth, apricot eyes looked at the man beside her.

    Leng Wu’she quietly ate bite by bite of his meal. Occasionally picking vegetables, but mostly eating the rice.

    In the past few days with him, she knows that he spoke very little, and was different to others. Only to her, he would listen patiently and his eyes would always look at her, watching her all the time.

    Like now, although he is eating, those beautiful brown eyes often look at her as if they are not tired of looking at anything.

    Finding her gaze, Leng Wu’she stopped his chopsticks. His brown eyes stared at her, but did not speak, just quietly watching her.

    Shui Wa’er couldn't stand anymore and put down the chopsticks. "Don’t you get tired of looking at me like this every day?”

    Moreover, every time looked at her, focused hard that will make her blushed. Heart beating fast and made her feels uncomfortable.

    "Tired? Why?" He asked. Looking at her, he felt good. Continue looking at her, his heart warmed.

    Shui Wa’er could not help rolling her eyes. Every time she asked him, he would only answer her in a confusion. In the end, she was always talking, and he always listened quietly.

    "What’s so nice about it, that you keep looking at me like this?" She looked at him angrily with her hands around her chest.

    "I don't know." No reason about it. He just wanted to look at her.

    Shui Wa’er exhaled patiently, took a deep breath and asked, "What else can you say besides not knowing why?"

    "Wa’er."  ── Her name.

    !!! ….

    Shui Wa'er gave up and feeling defeated and speechless. Staring at him, but couldn't get angry with that good-looking face, can only sighed helplessly.

    "I don't know what kind of person you are?" She couldn't help muttering.

    After observing him for a few days, she found that he kept a distance from everyone, as if like a clean freak. Did not let anyone approach him at all; except her.

    She is like a special case. She could approach him, touch him, and even talk to him. He will not refuse at all or even comply with her.

    She doesn't hate him for treating her like this ... Well, in fact she likes it. She also likes the way he looks at her and does not exclude her from getting along with him ─ though, his words are relatively few.

    Holding up the chopsticks, Shui Wa’er continued to eat. Conveniently picked up vegetables dish and gave it to him. "Don’t just eat rice, there are so many dishes why you don’t eat?" She said as she mixed several dishes into his bowl.

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