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"This is for your own good Draco, you'll thank me one day" Pansy winked at Draco and bolted out the Great Hall doors. Draco stood frozen in shock and watched as Pansy vanished from sight, pulling himself together he grabbed his things and ran after her.

Harry was already sat at his desk waiting for his potions partner, it was common knowledge that Harry hated potions, it was even worse that his partner was none other than pug face Pansy Parkinson, and he was so far away from Ron and Hermione, that he couldn't even sneakily speak to them. Potions was the worst.

Harry was brought out of his daydream when the door to the classroom suddenly slammed open, nearly sending some bottles on the shelves above on the floor. Harry whipped his head around to see Pansy with a smirk on her face looking at Draco behind her who was very red and flustered, Harry did not want to think what they could've been up to, with a shudder he turned back to the front of the class.

"Hey saviour of the wizarding world" Pansy said as she dumped her stuff on the desk beside Harry and sat on her stool next to him, getting her things out for the lesson. Harry rolled his eyes and tried to focus on what Professor Slughorn was saying, however that was very difficult when Pansy was resting her head in her hand and staring at Harry, after placing her bag on the floor.

"What do you want Parkinson? I'm trying to concentrate." Harry whispered to her with a hint of annoyance, never taking his eyes off the potions professor.

"Well if you're going to be rude to me Potter, I won't bother giving you the present I had for you" She sighed dramatically and turned away from Potter, finding a new interest in her chipped nail varnish.

Reluctantly, Harry pulled his focus away from Professor Slughorn and turned to Pansy, "Why would I want a present from you? Knowing your track record it'll probably cause me some sort of pain." Harry hissed at her, but he couldn't lie he was slightly intrigued, wasn't everyday a Slytherin wanted to give Harry a present, considering not many came back for their 8th year.

"Oh believe me Potter, this is definitely something of interest to you. You see I found it in the Slytherin common room..." Pansy took her eyes off her nails for a split second and glanced behind her, "but if you don't want it, I can get rid of it, a shame really because it is really quite beautiful" she turned to Harry with a smile, but there was something behind her smile that put Potter on edge.

"What do you want for it? Surely you're not just going to give this to me without getting something that benefits you, I know what you Slytherins are like" Harry said now fully ignoring the lesson that was going on around him.

Pansy faked shocked, put a hand on her heart, "Huh Potter, shocked I am, offended you wouldn't think I would do this out of the goodness of my heart..." Harry rolled his eyes at her, bloody Slytherins so dramatic, reminded him of a certain blonde sat behind him. "I only ask Potter, that you make it your mission to find who the artist is and -" Harry looked at her shocked and blurted out before he could think, "the artist?"

Pansy smirked and grabbed her bag from the floor and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Harry. He was shocked, he had never seen such an intricate and detailed drawing, it was incredible. What shocked him the most was what the drawing was of, he never in a million years thought someone would pay so much attention to him that they could draw him. A warmth swirled around his body looking at the pure passion behind the piece, he flipped it over to see if he could find a signature, but no luck.

"Like I said Potter, only one condition, find the artist" Pansy winked and packed her bag up, he hadn't even realised the lesson was over, brilliant another potions lesson failed, he would have to ask Hermione for her notes. Harry still sat at his desk in shock felt a burning sensation as if someone was staring at him, he turned only to see Malfoy turn away from him and punch Pansy in the arm as they left the classroom.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay for the second chapter, I was having some trouble thinking how I wanted this story to go, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter - Pumpkin

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