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Draco was sat at the end of the Slytherin table in the great hall that morning, since coming back to Hogwarts he's had to make sure not to get himself into any situations he could get trapped, most of the students were fine about him coming back for his 8th year and didn't bother him, however, a small number of students made it their mission to make his final year a misery. He couldn't blame them, after all he was on the wrong side of the war and an ex-death eater, he'd be surprised if he didn't get some trouble from students.

He was adding the final touches to his latest drawing of the golden boy, using every shade of green he could find to get the eyes perfect. From across the hall he could see Potter enjoying a bacon sandwich and laughing with his friends; Ron had just spilt baked beans down his school shirt. He had always found the boy attractive, though he'd never say it to him, only Pansy knew of his hidden obsession with the boy who lived.

"Draco sweetie, you need to chill out, it's getting worrying now how obsessed you're getting" Pansy rolled her eyes and plonked herself beside Draco looking over his arm at his drawing.

"I don't know what you mean, he just has a good face to draw, everything is in proportion, his hair is challenging but that makes it ever more satisfying once perfected and his eyes-" Draco dazedly looked up and awkwardly made eye contact with Potter, quickly adverting his gaze back to his drawing and blushing.

Pansy however, continued to look at Potter noticing a familiar flush to his cheeks, she has been trying to get Draco to admit his feelings for Potter since 5th year. She realised a long time ago Draco wasn't straight, after months of just trying to get one kiss out of him in 3rd year, that ended in him crying in the corner of the Slytherin common room, she realised the extravagant stunts Draco was pulling to make one snarky comment at the golden trio, specifically Potter, she knew it was more than a childish dislike for the boy. 

Sadly Draco never gave into her childish games of admitting to Potter his feelings, much to the disappointment of Pansy, he knew he would make a fool out of himself in front of the entire school. Plus, Potter has never given any indication that he was even into men, for all Draco knew he was as straight as a Nimbus 2001 and madly in love with the devil herself Ginny, Draco cursed under his breath at the thought of the redhead.

Shortly after Draco finished his drawing, everyone started to grab their things and make their way to their first class of the day, which to Draco's delight was double potions with the Gryffindors. He was just about to put his drawing of Potter into his bag when Pansy reached over tickled his side to distract him and grab the drawing for herself.

"Very funny Pans, now give it back" Draco sighed reaching his hand out towards her and flexing his hand a couple of times.

"You know what,  I think I'll keep hold of it, I think my potions partner might want to see it" Pansy smirked at Draco, his eyes going wide with fear remembering who her potions partner was...Potter.

Hi everyone, thanks for reading my first chapter I hope you like it so far, if you see many mistakes with spelling or grammar let me know :-) Pumpkin

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