The lost girl

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Gene's P.o.V

We walk into the dinning room to see the other boy whispering and looking at us.  I slip my fingers in between hers.  She looks up at me and smiles.  She pulls me over to a seat and sits down.  She motions for me to sit in the seat next to hers.  I sit down and the boys continue to whisper and stare.  A few of them start to laugh.

"If your not gonna say something nice don't speak," Lucy says and looks up at them.

The boys look at her.

"What are you gonna do?  slap me like a little girl?" James mocks.

"Ya!  your just some farm wolf!  Your not wild like us!" Calvin blurts.

"Farm wolf?" I ask looking at her.

"So what if I'm a farm wolf?  I'm still a person.  Doesn't mean I can't be wild," she says standing up, "you wanna play?" she asks annoyed.

"Awwwww little puppy wants to play fetch," James laughs.

"Awww the pup said his first words.  How cute," she glares at him, "now if we're done here i'll be going back to my room."

"But honey you haven't eaten anything!" her mother exclaims.

"I'm not hungry mom....." she says getting up and going to her room.

"Bye bye puppy!" Calvin laughs.

"Leave the real wolves the work," James says.

She stops.  She doesn't move.  It's like she's a statue.  Suddenly she turns around and looks at them.  It looked like she was gonna cry but punch him at the same time.

"I would like to see you take care of yourself for a day!  Heck!  I wonder what your laughing at.  Just because I grew up in a house doesn't mean I can't do work.  It doesn't mean you get to disrespect or insult me.  I'm the alpha's daughter.  Now shut it or I'll make you!" She shouts.

"How do you know what an alpha is?" Calvin exclaims.

"I'm a werewolf dumb dumb," she glares at him.

"Just because your the alpha's daughter, doesn't mean you can't be an omega," James smiles.

"Wait your not the omega?" she laughs, "I thought for sure that you would be the omega seeing how terrible you fight with words," she smirks.

"Ya and- Hey!" he shouts.

She laughs, "bye bye pups," she says leaving to her room.

"That girl is really somethin huh...." Lucas says.

"She totally kicked your butt James," Grayson laughs.

"Oh shut up she's just some stupid little puppy that doesn't know anything," James says rolling his eyes.

"Doesn't know anything?  She knows the ranks of the pack!  She's been here for only a week!  It took us forever to learn that kind of thing!" I say.

"He has a point James," Grayson continues, "she really does have a way with words."

Then the food came around.  I grabbed my plate and the plate where she was sitting.  I got up and went to her room.

"May I enter the princess' room?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yes you may," she laughs.

I walk into her room and handed her the plate.  I start to eat off mine.  The food was pretty good.

"You put on quiet a show back there," I say.

"Only was standing up for myself," she replies, "does he treat everyone like that?"

"I honestly don't know," I tell her, "I don't like to hang around him a lot."

"Well good," she says, "I don't want anyone treating a person or other wolf like that!"

She was right.  No one should be treated like that.  It wasn't fair for him to treat her like that especially.  She just got here.  She didn't know how we worked.  Determination filled her eyes.  I smiled and continued to eat the food.

Lucy's P.o.V

It wasn't fair.  Wasn't fair to me.  Wasn't fair to anyone.  

"What's it like to have your kind of life?" Gene asked me.

"Ya know....when I lived on the farm, I went to something called school.  You learn about all kinds of things there!  I didn't talk to a lot of people though.  Lots of people called me the farm girl because I lived on a farm and didn't have a lot of money," I explain, "to be honesty, no one really liked me.  I was a werewolf farm girl.  No one liked to talk to me, be near me, or even look at me for that matter.  But I kept my head held high at all times.   In hopes someone would want to be my friend.  One day a new kid sat next to me.  They were wolves too.  They both lived on farms like me.  We all became fiends.  We were the outcast club.  Their names were Ava and Evelyn."

"they seem like nice people," Gene said smiling.

"They were.  But now I'm here.  My friends are back in Meadow Grove," I explain.

"Isn't that the town a few miles from here?" Gene asks me.

"Ya.  Lot's of the kids in my school live there," I say sitting up.

Gene doesn't say anything but just stares at me.  He stares into my eyes.  I just smile at him.  Wondering.  Wondering if this was it.  If this was my life forever now.  If I would ever see my friends again.  So many questions but not enough answers.  No matter how long it took, I would get the answers I wanted.  No matter what I wanted to know who the man that I once called my father really was.  The people I used to know.  Did they know who I really was?  Or were they all just as clueless as I was...?

Hey guys!  Sorry I haven't made a new chapter in a while.  I've been a little overwhelmed with this whole pandemic.  I've been brainstorming of ideas for this story and I think I know what I want to do with it now.  Again, I'm really sorry I put  this story on hold.  But it's summer now so I'll try to focus more on this story.  Thank you for reading and I'll see you all next time!

~Meliawrites <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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The werewolf Pack 2- The Alpha's little girlWhere stories live. Discover now