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april 1859

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april 1859

"Oi, Macca!"

"Macca, huh? Tha' yer nickname fer me?"
The sable-haired boy, who was poised, teetering on the rickety fence, about to jump down to the other side and descend into the forest. As he heard a call from behind him, Paul whipped around and hopped back off of the fence, (if he had stayed on there any longer it probably would have crumbled beneath him) back the way he came. At the sight in front of him, John Lennon striding over, clad in a light blue collared shirt, dark blue vest, tie and trousers, sporting a large grin on his face. The only sign of rebellion being his untied shoes, undone vest and loosely hanging tie - the young boy couldn't help but let a smile grace his lips, and he ducked his head to look at the ground in case he embarrassed himself any further.

He had tried so hard not to get attached to the prince, but ever since he gave him that money, sacrificed something to help someone else out... he found himself beginning to like him. He still didn't entirely trust him and wouldn't consider him as a friend just yet... but it was close.

So much for not liking the rich..

It just made him realise that not all rich people are the same. That there are some out there who have a heart and are willing to help out the less fortunate.
John didn't ask to be born into wealth, he was actually a nice person and a decent guy; he hadn't let the fact he was the prince (almost king) of Liverpool get to his head. AND he was actually interesting too. They both really liked music and had the same taste in books and art and all sorts of things - maybe, if John hadn't been a prince and Paul wasn't such a stubborn bastard, they would have become friends years ago.

At this point, their relationship was very delicate, Paul teetering on the edge of the cliff of friendship and John already at the bottom, waiting for that pivotal moment when Paul would take the leap and ready to catch him. It was all up to the younger to take the final step now.

"Yeah, ye like it? Or do ye prefer... princess?" The shit-eating grin grew wider as the older boy descended onto one knee, gazing up at Paul with one arm outstretched. "I could be th' prince to yer princess?" He tilted his head with raised brows, evil grin still ever present.

Paul rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but before he could reply, another voice cut in, and he glanced up in shock.

"Oi, lovebirds!" A gasp. "John, are ye proposin'? Oh my godness, it's happenin'! Ringo, hold me-" He had been so distracted by John he hadn't even noticed George and Ringo following behind him. George fell into Ringo's grasp with a fake sigh, the older boy fanning him frantically. "True love prevails.."

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